Benjamin Netanyahu has luck. A lot of luck. It is uncanny. The whole country sees the luck. His popularity rises to the heavens.The economy is...
For me, the moving of the US embassy means nothing. It is a symbolic act that does not change reality. If and when peace does come, no one will care...
Write down: I, Uri Avnery, soldier number 44410 of the Israel army, hereby dissociate myself from the army sharpshooters who murder unarmed...
Ze’ev Begin, the son of Menachem Begin, is a very nice human being. It is impossible not to like him. He is well brought up, polite and...
I have a confession to make: I like Marwan Barghouti. I have visited him at his modest Ramallah home several times. During our conversations, we...
The misdeeds of Napoleon’s occupation army in Spain were not photographed. Photography had not yet been invented. The valiant fighters against the...
Benjamin Netanyahu is not known as a classical scholar, but even so he has adopted the Roman maxim Divide et Impera, divide and rule.The main goal...
Benjamin Netanyahu seems to be detested now by everyone. Almost as much as his meddling wife, Sarah’le. Six weeks ago, Netanyahu was the great...
This week I won a dubious distinction: a groundbreaking Supreme Court judgement has been named after me. It is an honour I would have gladly...