Every government in Pakistan has one agenda point in common – administrative reforms. But the reforms have remained a mirage. What causes the...
A representational image of a crowded street at a commercial area in Karachi.— The News/file Will and Ariel Durant in their monumental work...
The list includes high energy tariffs, delays in tax refunds, high costs and shortage of financing
The IMF has released its technical assessment report titled ‘Public Investment Management Assessment’ , evaluating Pakistan’s development...
Infrastructure projects the world over are notorious for their cost and schedule overruns, despite heavy padding of these items at the planning...
In his well researched book, 'Good - to - Great', Jim Collins relates that he was surprised to find fully 80 percent of the ‘Good - to - Great’...
Failing to achieve tax collection targets for years altogether, the FBR has remained under close scrutiny of all successive governments. This year...
This article has been inspired by the headlines of a leading English newspaper. We have been lamenting for years about the dwindling exports, but...
Electronic and print media is full of rhetoric by government functionaries about the serious obstacles withholding the country’s progress towards...
In keeping with its election promises, the PTI government has constituted a number of task forces to bring about the much-needed changes to improve...
Created in 2002, the HEC assigned itself the role of a facilitator for institutes of higher learning. From day one, it thus abdicated from the...
Immediately on assuming office, the Punjab government decided to adopt the Swedish governance model. Perhaps their enthusiasm for introducing...
Every successive government in Pakistan places public-sector reforms high on its agenda. In 2000, a presidential directive required all ministries...
At no time in our chequered history have the federal and provincial governments been under greater pressure to provide results that matter to the...
As the old adage goes, “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. In Pakistan, this insanity...
“If only we had learnt these tools and techniques at the undergraduate and graduate levels, we would have been more efficient and productive in...