Friday March 28, 2025
Dr Adil Najam
Dr Adil Najam

The writer is the inaugural dean of the Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University, former Vice Chancellor of LUMS, and lead author of the Pakistan National Human Development Report on Youth.

  • May 02, 2018

    Pakistan’s youth moment

    That Pakistan is a young country is not news. You don’t need research to know this fact. You just need to look around you. Any street. Any...

  • January 23, 2016

    When the young cannot be young

    A little more than a year ago and less than a week after the horrific attack on Peshawar’s Army Public School , I was in Charsadda. At the New...

  • October 08, 2015

    Why is there no woman on our Supreme Court?

    I have already made my case for why there should be a woman on the Supreme Court of Pakistan . Why, with two vacancies that need to be filled, now...

  • September 25, 2015

    Time for a woman on the Supreme Court

    The writer is the inaugural dean of the Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston Univeristy and former vice chancellor of the Lahore University of...

  • April 12, 2014

    Education innovation

    The writer has taught international relations and public policy at Boston University and the Fletche

  • April 05, 2014

    How cricket explains Pakistan

    The writer has taught international relations and public policy at Boston University and the Fletche

  • March 29, 2014


    No. I am not trying to insult your intelligence. Merely to provoke it. Yes. The headline is designed

  • March 22, 2014

    March 1940: What were they thinking?

    Tomorrow we will go through the motions of celebrating Pakistan Day. With song, slogan and sincere b

  • March 15, 2014

    Shun entanglement, embrace engagement

    Thomas Jefferson, the greatest of America’s founding fathers, described good foreign policy as “peac

  • March 08, 2014

    Talk, time and tactics

    The writer has taught international relations and public policy at Boston University and the Fletche

  • February 08, 2014

    Talk tamasha

    The writer has taught international relations and public policy at Boston University and the Fletche

  • February 01, 2014

    Five uncomfortable truths

    The writer has taught international relations and public policy at Boston University and the Fletche

  • January 25, 2014

    Salam, Abdus Salam

    The writer has taught international relations and public policy at Boston University and the Fletche

  • January 11, 2014

    Aitizaz Hasan, Chaudhry Aslam, me and you

    The writer has taught international relations and public policy at Boston University and the Fletche

  • January 04, 2014

    A diplomacy of friend-making

    The writer has taught international relations and public policy at Boston University and the Fletche

  • December 28, 2013

    Does Pakistan have friends?

    The writer has taught international relations and public policy at Boston University and the Fletche

  • December 21, 2013

    Not all is wrong in Pakistan

    The writer has taught international relations and public policy at Boston University and the Fletche

  • December 16, 2013

    Remembering Bhola

    The writer has taught international relations and diplomacy at Boston University and at the Fletcher

  • December 07, 2013

    Goodbye, Mr Mandela. And thank you

    A giant died in Johannesburg on Thursday. On his road to greatness he achieved many staggering feats

  • November 30, 2013

    Privatisation. Yes. But, why?

    The writer has taught public policy and international relations at Boston University and the Fletche

  • November 23, 2013

    We need more diplomacy, not less

    Much has been made not entirely unfairly of the fact that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has been spend

  • November 17, 2013

    Interesting times

    Turns out that the ancient Chinese curse, ‘may you live in interesting times’, is neither ancient no

  • November 09, 2013

    The Ugly American

    Since so many of my compatriots love to hate America and Americans, here is the story of an American

  • October 26, 2013

    Getting beyond the trust deficit

    Writing in these very pages back in September of 2005 , I had re

  • October 19, 2013


    Once upon a time, not that very long ago; in a land so familiar it could be right here, yet so far a

  • October 12, 2013

    Do we have no common sense?

    The writer has taught international relations and diplomacy at Boston University and at the Fletcher

  • October 05, 2013

    Nobel for Malala

    By this time next week I hope the world will be celebrating the award of the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize

  • September 28, 2013

    The banality of outrage

    In 1961, political philosopher Hannah Arendt - one of the most original thinkers of the 20th century

  • September 21, 2013

    Nawaz Sharif goes to New York

    Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif travels to New York this week. He will not be alone in making this annua

  • September 14, 2013

    Why we break lines and why it matters

    For as long as I can remember, I have been hearing the argument that we Pakistanis just cannot stand

  • September 11, 2013

    9/11 and the 11th of September

    The 11th day of September has not been good to Pakistan. Ask any group of Pakistanis why Pakistan ha