Over a span of 60 years, through 11 novels and countless short stories, Nadine Gordimer brought the world’s attention to the denigrating attitudes...
In deliberately treating his young readers as people on their way to adulthood, Green is empowering them to trust themselves and the uniqueness of...
We live in a beautiful world, one that changes in an infinite number of ways every second. That which was a minute ago is never really there the...
They say home is where the heart is, and I couldn’t agree more! Living in Lahore again after a gap of six long years, I now realise how much I...
Our journey starts from Islamabad at dawn on a rainy Monday morning as the caravan begins the 16-hour drive to Nagar Fort, Chitral -- the first stop...
The beautiful city of Lahore has always been a place where countless tales have been told and retold in various literary forms. Recently, Lahore...
Lahore is currently witnessing a revival of serious Punjabi theatre. The most recent Punjabi production to be staged at the Alhamra The Mall is...
Alhamra Cultural Complex has for long provided the introductory stage for aspiring actors. The most recent instance of an amateur production to be...
Charles Dickens is one of the most proficient novelists of the English language. Therefore, it is not surprising to hear about movies, plays and...
Expertise is precisely what the Lahore School of Photography intends to impart to people passionate about the art. Established in 2011 and located...