The author has served as Professor and Chairman, Department of Cardiac Surgery, King Edward Medical University.
It was his low platelet count that in my opinion washed out the blocked stents and bypasses in his heart and is why he is doing so well now
A general change has been that the number of ‘routine’ hospital emergency room visits has gone down drastically
Why are the ‘expat’ types that return to Pakistan to work viewed with suspicion, if not outright hostility?
There should be a uniform system of training for every specialty and it should be properly supervised
The important thing is that the healthcare system should not get overwhelmed
The removal of most restrictions on group and congregational activity will cause a major increase in the number of Covid-19 infections
The doctors and nurses taking care of Covid-19 patients should be provided the equipment as well as the resources required by them to do their jobs...
It is important that rich countries help the poorer ones to control such outbreaks and also help develop treatments for them
Some of the major healthcare issues that 2019 passes on to 2020
Though the idea of free or almost-free healthcare for all in Pakistan was put in place, it has never been developed to its full potential