Statements by the government expressing outrage are understandable, however, these have centred on targetting by India rather than speaking to the...
While all major social media companies are being applauded for banning Trump, the timing is curious and speaks to the capacity of these platforms to...
Increasing surveillance capacities and a litany of state and legal interventions, and the potential of collective action in 2020
The recent PEMRA and PTA bans aim to exercise control over free speech, not just speech strictly considered ‘political’, but any expression that...
Maulana Tariq Jamil’s anti-women remarks are offensive because they trivialise the very real violence on women’s bodies during the coronavirus...
Zoombombing reveals more than design flaws in an app. It highlights the fundamental tension between privately-owned technology and the welfare of...
Corona-related Facebook posts temporarily flagged as ‘spam’, text messages about having been around the corona-positive move at an accelerated...
The process of mobilising requires not just convincing but also listening and absorbing
Trolling takes on a sinister character when employed against social movements that call truth to power
With Punjab committing to adopt the Zainab Alert Bill, a well-thought-out mechanism for coordination between the federal and provincial stakeholders...