Mubasher Bukhari is a senior journalist, teacher of journalism, writer and analyst. He tweets at @BukhariMubasher
PTI leaders find themselves in a tight spot: placating party sentiment on the one hand and finding a way out of the political impasse on the other
Factors that could have influenced PTI’s nod to talks with the government
Infighting and confusion currently characterise Imran Khan’s party
Following Khan’s imprisonment, and with so much unfolding in the background, just where is the PTI headed?
Reports of an ‘understanding’ with establishment, Trump victory raise hopes in the opposition camp
In the absence of institutionalised safety training and measures, journalists are left fending for themselves
With access to all sorts of information through various sources, objectivity appears to be the first casualty
For the first time in the country’s history, a parliamentary committee picks the next chief justice of Pakistan
The SCO-CHG meeting highlighted that the member states remained concerned about terrorism
Government reconsiders strategy after constitutional reform setback