Directed by Usman Riaz, The Glassworker marks Pakistan’s first-hand drawn animation film, boasting an international team of collaborators. Emmy...
S potify has made significant strides in Pakistan since its official arrival in the country approximately two years ago. While the audio...
Why is Yakeen the most outstanding record by a band to release in a decade? An essay on limitless potential, richness, and enduring power of the one...
Remembering significant moments from 2024 as the first quarter of the year concludes on a positive note.
Some opted for classicism while other experimented with statement ensembles, but the gents favored black as a primary trend at the Academy Awards...
In a terrific debut novel, Selma Dabbagh writes about a number of characters who are at the center of her novel. But more than that, she doesn’t...
T he heartbreaking human condition of Palestine is not something anyone should view with ambivalence or turn away from. At least 30, 000...
The Islamabad based music group discuss why they collaborated with the qawal group, director Sarmad Khoosat and upcoming plans.
A review of the data from the world’s largest audio platform provides insight into what it tells us about the music ecosystem of Pakistan.
The sold-out show at the iconic Koerner Hall included renditions of songs associated with the multicultural artist, as well as the creation of a new...