Asim Abbasi, the director behind the critically acclaimed series Barzakh, discusses the creative vision for this profound show, focusing on its...
July is a big month. Coke Studio 15 wrapped up, Fawad Khan appears in an Asim Abbasi series and Spotify hasn’t abandoned us even though record...
Mekaal Hasan has made substantial musical contributions, both as an artist and as a producer. He has a reputation for electrifying live...
“The visual direction had its roots placed in Karachi’s architecture from back when the city had a thriving nightlife.” – Jamal Rahman
Umro Ayyar – A New Beginning, embraces the sci-fi/fantasy film genre, but the execution might depend on your personal taste.
Awards, audiences, and moral policing: entertainment in review.
S ince May of this year, Cape Monze Records, a Karachi-based indie music label, has been committed to releasing music regularly, starting...
The creators of The Donkey King are back with their new animated film My Daddy My Superhero, featuring Fahad Mustafa as the voice talent.
T he cultural troupe of the Walled City of Lahore Authority captivated a packed audience at the National Academy of Performing Arts’ Zia...
Na Baligh Afraad, Nabeel Qureshi’s latest film, grapples with the conflicting desires of youth: cherishing innocence while itching to grow up by .