The writer is a political, economy and security analyst and a governance and public policy practitioner: He can be contacted at
The society needs sharing of powers among state functionaries, civil society, and the private sector
Significant amounts of foreign investment can only come to Pakistan once there is political stability
Today’s international relations are complex in the context of their outcomes for individual, societies and governments
Ethnic conflicts can be managed, mitigated or controlled if the context and causes are understood
Monetary corruption by public representatives and public officials results in varied negative trends in a society
Will the US reconsider the abandoned ROZs project, so critical to the uplift of the Pakhtun tribal regions?
If meaningful change and development have to start in Pakistan the tribal-dominated social structure has to be transformed
The World Bank-funded Khyber Pass Economic Corridor has a huge potential to change the fate of KP
Ethnic conflicts are an existential threat to many states. Therefore, it is critically important to understand their underlying as well as proximate...
The success of economic integration between Central Asia and South Asia depends on the resolve of the leadership of these countries