The way forward for Pakistan is to reconsider its foreign policy — a hybrid system is not beneficial for Pakistan
The next plenary of the FATF is approaching and Pakistan is working with the AGP and the FATF to address the new action plan
What is the way forward to reassure the US and its allies who accuse Pakistan of supporting the Taliban?
The state must make laws that establish regulations for identifying critical cyber spaces and safeguard them from threats
The daily life is a challenge due to heavy traffic and pollution, leading to tension, anxiety, and disease
Three years on, we remain incapable of countering the money laundering and terrorism finance threats.
Growing inequalities in income and wealth are a serious issue in Pakistan
While the finance minister speaks of a policy of no new taxes and no raise in tax rates, the special assistant to prime minister claims there will...
Performance of the tax managers is highly disappointing. For the last two years the fiscal deficit has been over 9 percent of the GDP
One hopes the regressive withholding taxes on the telecom sector will be withdrawn in the upcoming budgets