The author, a former civil servant, is a political analyst, and a song writer. He can be reached at
The Iran nuclear deal has four lessons for us, and countries like us
What do Pakistan’s main political parties have to survive the test of time?
In the last 60 years, lack of accountability and hence reforms of key institutions have caused a rot. One way out is to increase the role of society...
Civil society is the breathing space that a society with conscience and heart confers upon itself
A closer look at the visions presented by our visionaries from time to time shows how this has remained an exercise in futility
When in a country symbols of hatred outnumber the symbols of bonding, know there is something wrong. And we are at that precise point
Pakistan needs to move beyond Police Order 2002 and adopt a more imaginative approach
What happens if each Pakistani woman under the poverty line is allocated 15 to 20 trees as her ‘future property’
Good governance, roadmap, access to justice, poverty alleviation, stakeholders…
At NCA’s film department’s thesis show last week, one felt as if NCA was quietly sowing the seeds of cinema’s revival in Pakistan