The author, a former civil servant, is a political analyst, and a song writer. He can be reached at
The Annual Status of Education Report 2015 reveals facts that challenge parents and society
Deciphering the thin line between faith, belief and superstition
Khayaal Festival made a comeback to Lahore’s Alhamra Art Council after about two years with a message -- ‘breaking the boundaries’
In Pakistan, exaggeration has progressed from being a social commodity to a political instrument
Like democracy, cinema will revive when there is more of it
We need a new institutional design compatible with the 21st century which will help change politics, economy, governance and society
Though running since 1947, we, as a nation, are yet to take the road to promised prosperity and social cohesion
In Pakistan’s six decades, most of our problems have followed mindless and unimaginative steps of our ruling elite
This August we need to reflect and imagine new ways to rectify distortions in institutional designs of the state for a better future
Some reflections, some candid commentary, with malice to none and Azadi Mubarak to all