The author is a political analyst and media development specialist. He can be reached at
Media’s imagined or real power notwithstanding, Pakistan cannot be perceived as a soft power without actually being one
The Jadhav family reunion exposed the true nature of the moment for what it really was: a real-time media event to conduct propaganda and a security...
It’s not what’s wrong with the media but rather what’s wrong with the state’s contradictory policies that require an examination and...
What is important is not just the high number of attacks and casualty rates of journalists and social media practitioners killed, injured,...
It is the oft-shifting stances and performance on key issues in Pakistan’s treacherous political landscape that define PPP’s legacy
Romania offers a mix of the ancient and the jazzy new, kitschy aesthetics, the world’s largest civilian building, and of course, the oft-cited...
Parenthood -- part of the grand adventure of life
It is perhaps difficult to make out who is more to blame for allowing the region to fail itself -- Pakistan or India
Nawaz Sharif is the closest that comes to a political survivor in Pakistan even though it may not quite seem that way right now
A high-standard, non-discriminatory accountability law that brings all pillars of the state under its net should be the starting point