The author is a political analyst and media development specialist. He can be reached at
Riding with the guide on his motorbike, across Nicosia, the only divided capital in the world today, to explore the social and political situation...
In Fatima’s North Cyprus, Turkish history meets natural beauty amid a peaceful divide
As PTI uses up the first 100 of its 1,825-day mandate, it becomes evident that the PM will need much more than a T20 type cricket approach to change...
The best politicians are those who speak with people, not at them
One of the Earth’s most beautiful and happiest places, Scandinavia is the place to be
A footloose graduation gift that starts at midnight and takes father and son across Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia
Some Pakistani generals, as individuals, have moulded the institutionalisation of extra-missionary approach of the military
It is not just two cities in one, it’s many really, with its uneasy parallel pasts still haunting its present
Perhaps the biggest failure of political parties in Pakistan is their collective inability to galvanize new people from different classes to join...
Are the extreme-right religious groups effecting an insidious competition among the mainstream political actors to become more religious than they...