Town Talk

June 27, 2021

Events in Lahore this week

Town Talk

*Sexual Assault/ Harrasment and Violence at Workplace, a webinar, shall be held on Sunday (today) on Facebook Live. Timings: 6pm-7:30pm.

Key points to be discussed in the webinar include:

Why do sexual harassment and assault happen

Why harassment can be made to seem normal or okay

Reasons women choose not to report harassment or assault

How to respond immediately

Ways to create a safe environment

How to offer long-term support

Anti-harassment policy

How to report the incident

Register at

Charges: Rs 500 (30 percent off for the first 10 early birds)

Limited seats are available.

*Pan Asian Cuisine Classes, organised by Nano’s kitchenette, shall be held every Wednesday, beginning June 30. Timings: 2pm-5pm. Renowned chefs will teach how to prepare authentic pan-Asian cuisine, chiefly, Beef Mongolian, Korean garlic rice, Gochujang fried chicken, Thai chili chicken, Rocky shrimp (Tao style), and Schezwan noodles.

Online registration is mandatory.

Fee: Rs 2,500

Town Talk