
September 24, 2017

What are the challenges of parenting today?


This is something that is usually taken for granted, as if people know what parenting means. But it’s not as simple. Even those who think of themselves as perfect parents often falter, though they may not admit. Parenthood may come naturally but parenting doesn’t. What are the challenges of parenting today is what today’s Special Report is all about.

There is of course no perfect formula that fits all but are the parents thinking about children’s needs and their own. Do they need some support mechanisms?

More than one parent writing for this report have underscored the need to talk with children. One of their major concerns remains: are the gadgets harming or improving children? What about diverse families, those where children are being raised by single parents? Is parenting only a mother’s job? Just to break the stereotype, we asked four fathers and three mothers to tell us what they think of parenting. Over to you…

Read: Finding a balance 
