History of conspiracies

A satirical account of how our enemies destabilised us

History of conspiracies

So now it is loud and clear, the TTP leader has surrendered and confessed. He has laid bare the designs of enemy agencies; and we have declared that the youth will no more be misled. We will raise the issue with the enemies that surround us, about their agents that we find around us. The terrorists have earned a lot of money for their dastardly acts, and the money came from the enemies. The Taliban were ready to accept money even from Israel. Of course, such people have nothing to do with Islam.

In fact, if we look at history we realise that our immediate neighbours i.e. Afghanistan, India, and Iran; and distant ones such as Bangladesh, Burma, Iraq, Israel, South Africa, the United States, and many others have either directly c or have allowed their soil to be used by actors, agents, armies, dancers, soldiers, spies, and traitors who have repeatedly infiltrated or invaded us culturally or militarily. They are bent upon destroying our culture, our homeland, and even our extremely friendly relations with the atheist China, and with the Sunni Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The first conspiracy by our enemies was to establish a heathen civilisation around our mighty Indus thousands of years back. You can see the remains of that civilisation in Mohenjo-Daro; it had nothing to do with Islam. It had monks and dancing girls, and covered drains. What were monks doing there? Certainly, preaching their religion in our land of the pure! What was the dancing girl up to? She was invading our ideological boundaries with dance and drama, that’s why we still can’t tolerate our own dancing girls; we kill them in cold blood.

And covered drains? They built them to mock us, for they knew about us. They foresaw that even after thousands of years our drains will remain open with stinking sewage and gutters will overflow with toxic effluent. That’s why they covered their drains to make fun of us, and to show to the world that they had better sense of cleanliness. They had baths and community halls so that people don’t stage sit-in and defecate in public. Since it was contrary to our values some of our historians tried to expunge that period from our history.

But they conspired with Unesco to declare the Indus Valley Civilisation as the world heritage, nothing can be meaner than that. The eastern enemies didn’t stop there. Centuries on, they brought Buddhism to this land and spread it to Afghanistan which was never our friend anyway. Then our eastern and western foes -- who themselves were very chummy with each other -- did another nasty thing.

The first conspiracy by our enemies was to establish a heathen civilisation around our mighty Indus thousands of years back. You can see the remains of that civilisation in Mohenjo-Daro; it had nothing to do with Islam.

Afghanistan and Iran did not stop Alexander from invading us, and India didn’t allow him to move forward. Rumour has it that Iran allowed its soil to be used by Alexander’s spies to infiltrate our land, and Afghanistan provided wherewithal to violate our boundaries.

Once they were in, Alexander’s soldiers couldn’t move forward. As the last humiliation, they left in our land the Kalash pagans who have survived to this day. But our proselytisers have been doing a good job by converting them, and thwarting this centuries-old conspiracy. We have been changing ancient names of their valleys and villages to come in consonance with our new-found religious zeal. Some of these pagans are reported to have confessed that Afghanistan and Iran indeed supported Alexander; even Iraq and Israel did, for Alexander had previously visited the Jewish holy land too, and that’s where Israel offered huge amounts of money for sabotage activities in our country.

Some of the weapons sent by Iraq with Alexander’s soldiers were discovered in 1970s in the Iraqi embassy in Islamabad. We had no doubt that they were to be used for terrorist activities in Balochistan. South Africa sent some Africans with Alexander’s army into Mekran, Balochistan, where they are still trouble makers; some have moved to Karachi and have been working with MQM and Uzair Baloch. He has confessed that his ancestors came with Alexander. Now you see how our near and far neighbours have been trying to destabilise us since Alexander’s time?

Then another pagan Gandhara civilisation was implanted on us, and this time they even had a network spreading to Central Asia, as has been deduced from central Asian coins found on our soil. Though some Chinese travelers also visited our land during that period but likely, they were our well-wishers and their religion, or absence of it, was none of our concern. Then Afghanistan sent invaders such as Ghaznavis, Ghauris, Khaljis, Tughlaghs, Mughals, and who not. Afghanistan’s mala fides were obvious because it never stopped any invaders and in fact encouraged them to use its soil against us.

India was not far behind. Since the capital of these invaders became Delhi, so these Indian rulers never stopped their incursions back into our territory. And that was done with the full support from Delhi and many of the generals were Hindus who were now helping their Muslim rulers who had come through Afghanistan. In retaliation, we have been naming our destructive weapons after these invaders. Then both Iran and Afghanistan facilitated Nadir Shah and Abdali to run over our land. Abdali was a nicer guy for he defeated Mahratta army, and we still love him for that.

Abdali left his successors to rule over us but Ranjit Singh toppled them. He was local but we hated him because the British were on good terms with him. Perhaps the worst conspiracy by Afghanistan against us in the 19th century was displayed during the Anglo-Afghan wars. Our men were fighting with the British against Afghanistan but the Afghans put up stiff resistance and killed thousands of our men in British uniform on their soil. Had Afghanistan surrendered to the British, it would have been impossible for Ehsanullah Ehsan to do what he did to us.

History of conspiracies