Beauty Station! Tool Kit

August 28, 2016

Instep rounds up the best tools to help you achieve flawless skin

Beauty Station! Tool Kit

Everyone dreams of having radiant skin that looks amazing from the moment you wake up till you’re ready to hit the sack… but not everyone is blessed with it. You can sit there and envy those with the perfect glow or you can take matters in your own hand and cheat your way to flawless skin. Here’s our pick of the top tools to help you transform phenomenal skin from a dream to reality. As the saying goes: Fake it till you make it!

Beauty Blender

This non-descript pink egg can be found in every makeup enthusiasts arsenal. Whether you’re a professional, beauty blogger or amateur, the Beauty Blender is every girl’s answer to achieving dewy skin without streaky foundation coverage. The sponge is supposed to be soaked in water (it expands in size after being held under the tap) squeezed and patted dry before you. The ergonomically shaped sponge is ideal for adapting to the contours of your face; the tip works best for the inner corners of your eye, sides of your nose and around the ear area while the rounded bottom can be used to dab product all over your face quickly. Another pro for this neon coloured tool is that it allows you to build coverage; it can be used simply to apply your concealer or can help in layering foundation to hide scarring or blemishes. The only disadvantage? It uses double the amount of product than a normal brush or sponge. Oh and it’s not the best beauty tool for lazy people because it requires upkeep in terms of being cleaned after every use.

Artist Brushes

You know what’s been popping up on our newsfeed regularly? Makeup brushes that resemble hair combs of yore. These oval brushes seem to be all the rage and have already acquired quite a following including being on Middle Eastern beauty blogger Huda Kattan’s go-to tools. While one might wonder how they work, the review regarding their result is unanimous: it blends the product like a dream which leads to amazing coverage while making it look like you’re not wearing any makeup at all. The set of brushes can be used not only for foundation or concealer application but also to blend your contours with. While the set of five will set you behind a pretty penny ($165 or Rs. 16,500 approximately) the brushes are guaranteed to last you longer that the regular, inexpensive variety we tend to invest in and of course you’ll get a much better result as well.

Morphe M310 Large Soft Fan

It took us a long time to figure out what the fan shaped brush was for and how to use it. Now that we’ve emerged from the shadow of ignorance into the bliss of knowledge, we’re here to share it with you. Perfect for setting powder, this brush is your go to tool to dust off any excess powder and to strategically place a pop of color at the apples of the cheek. Why do we love the Morphe brush particularly? The natural goat bristles are perfect to create a diffused, natural-looking highlight along the top of the cheekbones, bridge of the nose, and collarbone.

Beauty Station! Tool Kit