May 29, 2016

Plagued by dull summer skin? Our round-up of skincare essentials will set you aglow


Tired looking skin? Enlarged pores that tend to get clogged and make your face look grimy? Excessive sebum that causes you to break-out? These are some of the most common complaints that sub-continental women face on their quest for perfect skin. Our diet (oh, hello desi ghee) factored in with sweltering temperatures, that wilt anything it touches, create a double whammy of disaster when it comes to skincare and leaves most feeling flustered. While you can hide imperfections behind makeup, there’s nothing quite like starting with a flawless canvas and then building on it. If your beauty routine doesn’t transition well from the colder to warmer months then you’ve come to the right place. Our five step summer skin regime will have you glowing like a freshly glazed donut straight out of the Krispy Kreme oven. Let’s dig in!

Step One: Cleanse

There are a lot of makeup removers available in the market, ranging from organic almond or coconut oil based ones to synthetic versions that specifically target stubborn, waterproof eye makeup. Each remover promises to remove all traces of makeup but the only one that’s truly stood up to the test is the innovative new micelle solution. We love the Bioderma version of this cleanser. It’s fragrance free, non-greasy and doesn’t require you to wash your face post application to get rid of any residue. Micelle solution not only removes makeup but also unclogs your pores, wiping away the icky layer of sweat, oil and dust that tends to form on your skin over the course of the summer day.  When you wash your face after removing makeup with micelle solution it leaves you with squeaky clean, subtly glowing skin.

Step Two: Exfoliate

While your makeup remover gets rid of product and daily grime you’ll definitely need something stronger for build-up that is bound to occur over the course of time. Whether it’s just from the moisturizer you use or from the environment, a layer tends to form over the epidermis that can not only look aging but is also extremely unhealthy for your skin. A simple exfoliating scrub can work wonders in removing this unwanted layer, to reveal cleansed skin from within. Our go to product for this purpose for summer is Body Shop’s Vitamin C Microdermabrasion. Touted as an at home spa solution, the scrub’s micro granules slough away dead skin and accumulated dirt and leaving your skin feeling baby soft. It’s gentle enough to be used regularly though we do not suggest exceeding the practice more than twice a week.

Step Three: Nourish

You’ve heard of the beneficial powers of clay masks; they’re cooling, pore minimizing and they make skin supple. While we mostly like sticking to organic Multani mitti, a recent introduction into our skincare routine had us stocking up on Queen Helene’s Mint Julep Masque. Catering to oily and acne prone skin, this mint colour cooling masque doesn’t just leave your skin feeling and looking great but also relaxes you as it has a mentholated effect post application. Apply to freshly cleansed skin, let it dry and then just wash away with warm water. This refreshing masque is sure to become a summer staple

Step Four: Tone

If you’ve been following our beauty advice you’re aware that we’re advocates of rose water. Whether you want to utilize this versatile product as a toner or a face mist to keep you hydrated all day, the choice is yours. Not only is rose water rich in anti-oxidants, it also primes the skin for moisturizer. Our tip? Spritz a healthy amount of it on your face after stepping out from the shower, particularly after having used a mask, like in the aforementioned step. While your skin is still damp work your moisturizer in with gentle, upward strokes and let your skin soak in all the nourishing goodness. Again, you’ll notice your skin looks brighter even before using any colour corrective products.

Step Five:  Hydrate

If you’re someone who skips regular moisturization during summer months because the assumption is that the heat doesn’t dehydrate your skin then you’re committing a major skincare faux pas. The heat actually leaves your skin parched as you sweat out all the minerals and nutrients over the course of the day. We also tend to wash our face more regularly in the summer, which in itself is drying so the need to compensate for moisture loss is real. Enter essential oils. While the benefits of almond and coconut have been acclaimed far and wide, we prefer the light weight argan oil during the heat. A little goes a long way, when used as a replenishing agent at night. Add a drop or two of this super oil to your night cream and watch your skin transform over the next few weeks.