September 6, 2015

Chocolate isn’t just the greatest culinary pleasure known to mankind


Chocolate isn’t just the greatest culinary pleasure known to mankind; clinical research has shown that it has medical benefits if eaten in moderation, and can help reduce the risk of heart disease as well as lower cholesterol levels. But while we’ve always known that eating chocolate can be good for us, it’s only recently that the beauty industry is waking up to its beneficial effects on the skin as well. Here’s why this ‘guilty pleasure’ needs to stop being treated as sinful and be embraced for its good qualities:


Do you find yourself reaching for a bar of chocolate every time you’re stressed out? Don’t beat yourself over your lack of self control; your emotional dependence on the sweet to make you feel better is actually grounded in medical reality. Studies have shown that eating about two ounces of dark chocolate a day can significantly reduce anxiety by lowering the body’s levels of stress hormone. It’s also a well-known fact that eating chocolate releases endorphins, the "happy drug" produced by your brain. It not only acts as a pain-reliever but leads to a general sense of well being.

Skin saviour

Can there be anything more decadent than luxuriating in the rich aroma of cocoa and the velvety feel of smooth chocolate on your skin. Chocolate facials have become the rage worldwide, with some of the best international spas offering a wide range of chocolate-based beauty rituals. Here’s why: Dark chocolate is loaded with organic compounds that are biologically active and function as antioxidants. These include polyphenols, flavanols, catechins, among others. It is thought that cocoa and dark chocolate may contain even more antioxidants than fruits such as blueberries and acai berries.

Any beauty junkie would know that antioxidants help reverse the signs of aging. Hence a chocolate facial will make your skin smooth and younger-looking while making it smell great too. You don’t even need to visit a high-end spa to indulge; get your hands on some good quality dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa and you can whip up a simple hydrating mask at home. Melt 50 grams of chocolate over a water bath and mix it with a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil. Apply over the face and neck for 15 minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water. (Resist the temptation of licking it off)


For some much-needed pampering and me-time, you can book an appointment at Asma Mumtaz’s The Dresser in Lahore and enjoy the Coco-Loco Facial in all its chocolate-y goodness.

Magnum Party, BTS

A special mention must be given to Nabila and her Creative Team, who managed to lift the show to the next level thanks to the innovative styling. If Magnum bartenders dress up your ice cream bars with toppings of your choice then here we saw topped-up models. Textures created on their eyelids, legs and bodies were a reflection of gold and chocolate sprinklers on an ice cream cone and it was bang on theme. The hair and makeup…very, very smooth.