The Seraiki grievance

The need for preservation and promotion of Seraiki language as a marker of the Seraiki identity

The Seraiki grievance


ach year, February 21 is marked as the International Mother Language Day. It brings back memories of the day in 1952 when several students were killed in Dhaka while protesting for their linguistic rights. This day is now commemorated globally as a UNESCO initiative to promote linguistic and cultural diversity. Today, the constitution recognises the significance of accommodating the diverse cultural landscape. However, the ground reality is more complicated.

The plight of Seraiki speaking population in Southern Punjab underscores the need for inclusive policies and equitable development. The historical lesson in the shape of the dismemberment of East Pakistan remains relevant even today, as Pakistan continues to face challenges in addressing the grievances of its marginalised linguistic communities.

The constitution recognises the importance of linguistic and cultural rights. Article 28 reads: “Any section of citizens having distinct language, script or culture shall have the right to preserve and promote the same and, subject to law, establish institutions for that purpose.”

The 18th Amendment, passed in 2010, devolved the powers to the provinces, aiming to address regional disparities and promote inclusivity. The amendment granted provinces greater autonomy over their resources and governance, theoretically empowering marginalised communities like the Seraiki people. However, the implementation of these provisions has been lackluster, particularly in southern Punjab.

According to a 2023 report by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, southern Punjab lags behind other regions in key development indicators. Literacy rates in the Seraiki belt (45 percent) are significantly lower than the national average (66.3 percent). Unemployment rates are among the highest in the country. Political activists from the region maintain that this economic disparity is a direct result of the region’s political marginalisation and the lack of investment in its development.

The preservation of mother languages is not just a cultural imperative, it is a moral and constitutional obligation. Article 251 of the constitution states: “Without prejudice to the status of the national language, a Provincial Assembly may by law prescribe measures for the teaching, promotion and use of a provincial language in addition to the national language.”

Seraiki ranks as the fourth largest language of Pakistan (2023 census), and is the second largest language spoken in the Punjab, but it has yet to attain its due status in provincial policies. Even though, both politicisation and sensitisation of Seraiki language’s preservation and the subsequent political demand of a separate province are gaining currency. In 2017-2018, Seraiki Suba Mahaz helped the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf form governments in the Centre and the Punjab. As the framework for this political gimmick was missing, a South Punjab secretariat substitute was furnished. It is now clear that the move was meant to checkmate the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz, which was then at odds with the establishment. Now that all leading political parties promise the creation of a Seraiki province in their manifestos, there have been reports that the South Punjab secretariat may be rolled back.

As Pakistan observes International Mother Language Day, it is an opportune moment to reflect on the lessons of history and the urgent need to address the grievances of marginalised communities. The Seraiki people’s struggle for recognition and development is a microcosm of the broader challenges facing Pakistan. By honouring its constitutional commitments and implementing inclusive policies, the state can ensure that no community is left behind.

The time has come for Pakistan to embrace its linguistic diversity and address the economic disparities that have plagued regions like southern Punjab. Only then can the nation truly honour the spirit of International Mother Language Day and build a more inclusive and equitable future.

The writer is an assistant professor at the Department of International Relations at BZU, Multan. He can be reached at

The Seraiki grievance