Harvesting a future

The promise and controversy of genetically modified crops

Harvesting a future


enetic modification is changing farming forever. New crops are stronger, defy disease and produce more food. If that’s not all, we now have glowing tomatoes, neon fish and tobacco shining at night. With the boundaries of nature being rewritten, the possibilities are glowing brighter than ever.

The stories of magical gardens that glow at night are becoming a reality. The ‘firefly petunia’ is a marvel of genetic engineering, its white blooms transform into a soft green glow after sunset, thanks to a light-up mushroom gene. This innovation follows the earlier success of auto-luminescent tobacco, which shone bright with a firefly’s luciferase gene. But that’s not all - US companies are now offering seeds for a vibrant purple tomato, its colour courtesy of a snapdragon gene. And if you’re looking for colour in the aquarium, GloFish are available in a kaleidoscope of shades, created by introducing fluorescent proteins into their genome. They showcase the wonders of genetic modification, blurring the lines between nature and innovation.

All organisms consist of hundreds of thousands of genes on their chromosomes governing different processes or aspects. During breeding, whole sets of genes are passed to the new plant alongside the ‘desirable trait.’ In some cases, they are found counterproductive to the desirable trait. A rice variety was selected for its “longer grain” but after cross-pollination, it resulted in a ‘low’ yield alongside the desired character which practically denied the commercial success of the new rice variety, says Dr Sadruddin Siddiqui, a former member of Plant Science Division and director of the Seed Bank at Pakistan Agriculture Research Council. The GMO (genetically modified organism) method is chosen over traditional plant breeding to allow precise control over the genes being introduced, reducing unwanted traits. They can be easily replicated and produced on a large scale, he says.

Furthermore, GMOs can introduce genes from any ‘organism’ be it animals or plants and can be developed much faster. The results can be significantly faster than conventional breeding, reducing development time by 50-75 per cent, depending on the complexity of the desired trait, he says. The genetic modification involves selecting the gene controlling the desired trait (pest resistance, drought tolerance etc).

CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) or other techniques are used to ‘edit’ the existing genes in a specific location, allowing for precise modification. Besides, several techniques are used to introduce the selected piece of DNA into the host cell. One way is by coating small metal particles with the ‘desired’ DNA and shooting them into host plant cells, he says. Others use a bacterium, like agrobacterium tumefaciens, viruses or self-replicating plasmids to introduce the genes. Once the cells have received the DNA, they are grown into a brand-new plant. In case of bacterial introduction, antibiotics are applied to remove the bacteria, Dr Siddiqui says. This is followed by rigorous biosafety confirmation procedure through field and open trials by the approval committee for commercialisation.

Since 1985, when biotechnology was first introduced in the country, Pakistan has set up 56 high-tech biotechnology institutes. These are undertaking research for the development of virus-free, herbicide-tolerant, disease-resistant, salt-tolerant and drought-tolerant wheat, cotton, canola, sugarcane, potato and tomato. Being a signatory of the Cartagena Protocols on Biosafety, Pakistan approved National Biosafety guidelines and rules in 2005. This followed the establishment of the National Biosafety Committee as the apex body to finally permit the cultivation of genetically modified organisms. Cotton and maize are the two major GM crops in Pakistan that are developed with resistance against insects and weeds.

NBC allowed genetically modified cotton variety MON-531 or Bt cotton for general cultivation in 2010. It produces a toxin called Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) to resist certain pests. Besides a maize variety was approved between 2010 and 2017 for herbicide tolerance and insect resistance. Their cultivation started in early 2017 in the Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Initially, the yields were good, but they soon dropped significantly. The pests that the Bt cotton was supposed to resist became immune to it. The farming methods used for Bt cotton also harmed the soil, causing erosion and nutrient loss. Additionally, Bt cotton needed more water.

Many farmers and experts in Pakistan were disappointed with the Bt cotton and want to return to traditional farming methods. This forced the farmers to face high costs of seeds, pesticides and irrigation. Furthermore, fuelled by unverified reports of carcinogenic compounds linked to GM maize crop a countrywide controversy was sparked. This led to a legal showdown over the future of GMO crops. The Lahore High Court ruled in 2014 that the government should issue licences for GM cotton and maize production. However, the verdict was appealed, and the matter remains unresolved. While some GM varieties were approved in 2016, others remain in trial stages. Despite approval, GM corn has not been commercialised due to the ongoing debate and regulatory restrictions imposed by the Ministry of Climate Change, resulting in shelved products and a stalled process.

These crops have shown a lot of promise. Drought-tolerant corn, soybeans and wheat can grow well even when water is scarce. There’s a type of rice that can survive underwater. This can helps farmers who live in areas prone to flooding, says Dr Siddiqui. Scientists in Hawaii created a papaya that can resist a deadly virus. Irish Potato Famine potatoes can resist disease and improve yields and reduce pesticide use.

However, GMO crops are not without their share of serious controversy. The initial wheat variety that played a key role in the Green Revolution was found to have a higher glycemic index. This led to an increased risk of developing insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and Type 2 diabetes.

Some GMO crops produce Bt toxin, linked to allergic reactions, organ damage and stomach issues. Additionally, glyphosate, a herbicide commonly used with GMO crops, has been linked to cancer, kidney damage and other health problems. Allergic reactions were reported in 2000 due to GMO StarLink corn. Some studies have also found that certain GMO corn varieties cause kidney and liver damage, tumours and organ damage in animals. The World Health Organisation, the American Medical Association and the National Academy of Sciences have found no evidence of harm from GMOs. However, global perception is divided over potential health risks of GMOs.

Because GMOs are novel life forms, powerful biotechnology companies have been able to obtain patents to control the use and distribution of their genetically engineered seeds globally. Restrictive licence agreements erode farmers’ right to save seeds, forcing them to purchase new seeds every season. Not only does this increase costs but also threatens traditional farming practices. Relying on third-party corporations to provide farmers with both GMO seed and chemical inputs like herbicide makes them beholden to Big Ag, threatening farmer sovereignty and the national food security of any country where they are grown. In the 2000s, Monsanto was accused of aggressively investigating and prosecuting farmers for seed saving and reuse. Monsanto’s dominance in the seed market led to accusations of monopolistic practices, including antitrust lawsuits. In Monsanto v Schmeiser (2004), a Canadian farmer was sued by the firm for saving and replanting GMO seeds. In 2013, a controversial provision in the US Farm Bill, the Monsanto Protection Act protected GMO companies from liability for GMO crop damage.

The most common genetically modified crops grown worldwide have been engineered for herbicide tolerance. In the first 20 years of the GMO experiment, the use of toxic herbicides, such as Roundup (glyphosate), increased 15-fold. This led to a decline in native plants and had downstream effects on biodiversity. Additionally, the overuse of herbicides led to the emergence of pesticide-resistant “super-weeds” and “superbugs” that can only be killed by spraying more toxic chemicals.

They are commonly used in the US and Canada. However, the European Union has implemented strict regulations and bans on GMOs due to concerns over their potential long-term impact on human health and the contamination of non-GMO crops and ecosystems. Additionally, the EU seeks to preserve and promote sustainable agriculture and food production.

On August 2, 2024, the European Commission notified Pakistan that its organic basmati rice consignment exported through the Netherlands had been found to be contaminated with genetically modified rice. “This was categorised as hazardous due to unauthorised GMO presence.”

The issue has alarmed government officials and rice exporters since according to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics rice exports have crossed the 5 million tonne mark in 10 months (July-April FY24), earning $3.4 billion, compared to 3.2 million tonne exports worth $ 1.8 billion made during the corresponding period last year.

Pakistan, like the EU, maintains a zero-tolerance policy. We primarily export basmati and non-basmati rice varieties that are not genetically modified. These comply with international standards, including those set by the World Trade Organisation and the International Plant Protection Convention. While the Rice Exporters’ Association of Pakistan denied that their rice contained GMOs, the Ministry of National Food Security has started investigating the issue.

According to Dr Sadruddin Siddiqui, Pakistan’s regulatory bodies including the National Commission on Biotech, Department of Plant Protection and Federal Seed Certification and Registration have strict regulations and testing protocols to ensure that GMO crops are not commercially grown or exported.

Dr Siddqui recalls that some years ago, Indian rice dealers were found repackaging Pakistan’s basmati rice in Dubai for onward sale as an Indian product.

Scientists agree that GMO infection could be due to cross-contamination during processing or storage with GMO rice from other sources. It can also be due to accidental mixing of GMO seeds with non-GMO seeds during cultivation. There might be unintentional introduction of GMO traits through pollen drift or other environmental factors. Sometimes the testing methods might yield false positive results, indicating GMO presence when none exists.

Investigations must resolve the issue. Further investigation, testing and dialogue between German and Pakistani authorities, as well as independent experts, will be necessary to allay Germany’s concerns.

GM crops are largely seen as a panacea to malnutrition and hunger. It is high time for policymakers in Pakistan to embrace safe GMO technologies, enabling the development of climate-resilient crops that can guarantee food security and sustainability for generations to come.

The writer is a senior staffer at The News

Harvesting a future