Drama review criticism: the rise of social media and expert opinions

September 8, 2024

Drama review criticism: the rise of social media and expert opinions


he advent of social media has made it remarkably easy for anyone to express their opinions on anything including TV shows, films, or music. While I personally may not be a fan of a bevy of such productions, it’s clear that a significant number of Pakistani viewers are engaged with this content. One particular show that has consistently captured the spotlight is Kya Drama Hai, hosted by Mukarram Kaleem. The show features a panel of experienced judges who offer their commentary on the latest TV dramas. Whether viewers agree or disagree with their opinions, it’s difficult to dispute the expertise of the judges, who are seasoned figures in the entertainment industry. The panel includes well-known actors like Nadia Khan, Rubina Ashraf, Atiqa Odho, Marina Khan, Maria Wasti, and Faysal Qureshi. In a recent episode of Kya Drama Hai, Marina Khan posed several questions about Fahad Mustafa’s character in the serial Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum. She expressed confusion regarding certain aspects of Mustafa’s life and financial situation, seeking clarification.

Drama review criticism: the rise of social media and expert opinions

Addressing the matter during the episode, Marina Khan stated, “I’m curious to know how Mustafa acquired all his assets.Where did he get his motorbike, the P35, and all the other possessions he’s now selling for money? If he was financially stable at one point, where has that money gone? Or if he still has the ability to earn, why is he relying on others? Why isn’t he working now? He held a job for a period; surely, he can still find ways to earn through that.”

Marina Khan’s questions sparked a significant reaction from fans and social media users. Many viewers believe that the judges on the show appear without thoroughly researching or understanding the dramas they are reviewing.

In this particular instance, many fans suggested that Marina Khan may not have watched the relevant episodes, as she seemed unaware of how Mustafa acquired his assets. Fans of the drama pointed out that the show clearly explains Mustafa’s financial background and criticized the judges for failing to grasp the context. Many also emphasized that the judges should differentiate between drama and reality. They argued that if the judges had watched the episodes beforehand, they would have a better understanding of the storyline and could avoid raising unnecessary questions.

The debate surrounding Marina Khan’s comments has sparked discussions about the responsibility of critics and the importance of being well-informed when passing judgment on any form of entertainment. Criticism, in itself, is not inherently negative.

Drama review criticism: the rise of social media and expert opinions

Actors, musicians, and artists worldwide regularly receive feedback. The key to handling criticism effectively lies in two areas: developing a thick skin, as some feedback can be unnecessarily harsh, and striving to offer fair and constructive criticism that can help the artist grow. It’s also essential for critics to ensure they have thoroughly watched the content they are reviewing to provide informed opinions.

Netizens should also take a step back and avoid getting overly defensive. While not all Pakistani dramas are substandard, we must acknowledge that on a global scale, we still have room for improvement.

We haven’t produced shows on the level of House of Cards or Delhi Crime, so a bit of constructive criticism could actually benefit our industry.

Drama review criticism: the rise of social media and expert opinions