Mindless entertainment

September 1, 2024

Netflix series Obliterated is okay for viewing as a distraction but no more than that

Mindless  entertainment


bliterated, a Netflix series, is a mishmash that may leave viewers divided. On one hand, it offers mindless entertainment that may appeal to those seeking something light and undemanding. On the other hand, it struggles with sub-par writing and a plot that is down-cycled and far too familiar.

So, is it worth seeing? Obliterated centres around a team of Special Forces operatives who, after celebrating a mission they believe to be successful, discover that the threat is far from neutralised. The premise, while certainly interesting at first glance, quickly devolves into a predictable story that has been seen many times before. The show attempts to amalgamate high-stakes drama with comedy but the execution leaves much to be desired.

The central plot, though functional, lacks novelty. The last-minute twist that thrusts the characters back into action is a trope that has been employed countless times in film and television, often with more finesse. Here the twist, if it could be called that, feels forced. The characters are pushed back into danger but the stakes never feel truly compelling, largely due to the run-of-the-mill nature of the plot.

The writing is perhaps the most glaring weakness of the series. The dialogue often comes across as awkward, with characters delivering lines that feel unnatural and, at times, cringe-worthy. The attempts at humour are hit-or-miss. Many jokes fall flat due to poor timing or an over-reliance on clichés. The series seems to lean heavily on outdated comedic tropes, which may have worked some decades earlier but feel out of place in modern television.

The characters are largely one-dimensional, with little depth or complexity to make them truly engaging. The show does not explore their motivations or backstories in a meaningful way, resulting in characters that feel more like caricatures than real people. This makes it difficult for viewers to connect with them.

Obliterated, at times, manages to shine in its humour. While much of the comedy is formulaic and uninspired, there are moments where the show delivers laughs. These moments are usually found in the more absurd or slapstick scenes, where the series embraces its ridiculousness and allows the characters to engage in over-the-top antics. However, these moments are few and far between. For a show that positions itself as an action-comedy, this inconsistency in humour is a significant drawback.

In a show where the plot and action are already trite, greater care in crafting the characters could have provided the audience with a much-needed anchor. Obliterated falls short on this front, leaving viewers with characters that are as forgettable as the plot they inhabit.

As an action series, it delivers a fair share of explosions, gunfights and chase scenes. The action sequences are competently choreographed and provide some visual excitement, which might appeal to fans of the genre. Unfortunately, much like the plot and writing, the action feels generic and uninspired.

The cast of Obliterated features a mix of familiar faces and newcomers but the characters they portray are largely forgettable. The show misses an opportunity to create a dynamic and interesting group of protagonists, instead opting for stereotypical archetypes that do little to engage the audience.

The leader of the team, portrayed as a tough and determined figure, lacks the charisma needed to carry the series. The supporting characters, including the tech-savvy sidekick and the trigger-happy muscle, are equally one-note, offering little to nothing when it comes to emotional depth. The interactions between the characters are often forced, with little chemistry to suggest a genuine bond or camaraderie.

In a show where the plot and action are already trite, greater care in crafting the characters could have provided the audience with a much-needed anchor. Obliterated falls short on this front, leaving viewers with characters that are as forgettable as the plot they inhabit.

Despite its many flaws, Obliterated may still find an audience among viewers looking for something to watch without requiring much mental engagement. The series offers action and comedy that can be a distraction from the daily grind. For those who enjoy action comedies and are willing to overlook weak writing and a lacklustre plot, Obliterated might be worth a watch.

However, for viewers seeking more substance in their entertainment, Obliterated is unlikely to be satisfactory. The series offers mediocre writing and an overused plot, resulting in a show that is ultimately forgettable.

The series that struggles to find its footing. The shoddy writing, overused plot and weak characters make it difficult for the show to thrill or be memorable.

It will likely be forgotten soon after the credits roll.

The author is a freelance contributor

Mindless entertainment