Celebrating the legacy of Haniya Aslam

August 18, 2024

In an exclusive tribute, creatives from the music industry who knew Haniya best, speak about her and her enduring impact.

Celebrating the legacy of Haniya Aslam

Zeb Bangash

“Haniya was a truly gifted artist and for me, she was a gift. She was larger than life and charismatic despite being quiet and reserved. She didn’t say much, but when she did, you listened. Quick-witted with a sharp sense of humor, she would mumble a joke to herself which, if you happened to catch, would have you chucking even years later. She was a keen observer of people and things. This ability made her a singular and gifted songwriter. When Haniya would pick up a guitar and sing a new tune or even do a cover of a wildly popular song, it would often move me to tears (much to her annoyance).

Haniya Aslam and Natasha Humera Ejaz at Lahore Music Meet 2020. Photo by Umair Hashmi. Curated by Natasha Noorani and Zahra Paracha –Photo by Umair Hashmi
Haniya Aslam and Natasha Humera Ejaz at Lahore Music Meet 2020. Photo by Umair Hashmi. Curated by Natasha Noorani and Zahra Paracha –Photo by Umair Hashmi

Time spent with her - even just hanging out or having fun - felt meaningful. I believe that was because she had a truly vibrant soul.

Haniya loved music and she was serious about her craft and being authentic in her sound. She also felt strongly about creating a space for herself and others, especially other female artists. She was a mentor to many.

To me, she is dear in ways I cannot fully express. I feel so blessed to have known her; as a sister, a creative collaborator, a friend and colleague, and a partner in so many other ways. I will always cherish the music we made together and the times we had making it. It has been a privilege to know her all her life.”

Photo by Insiya Syed
Photo by Insiya Syed

Jimmy Khan

“Losing Haniya feels like a part of me has been torn away. It’s hard to imagine a world without her softness, her kindness, and her remarkable musicality. She was a silent pillar of support for many, including me and her impact on my musical journey is only becoming clearer now that she’s gone. I’m deeply grateful for her role as producer of my last EP Shukar in 2023. I find solace in knowing that she was my friend, mentor, co-writer, collaborator and producer. My heart aches as I write this. I cannot fully accept that Haniya is no longer with us. I pray she finds her peace and is relieved of all the pain she endured here on earth. Her work will always inspire me to reach her level of songwriting excellence. The world feels poorer and more colorless without her. I will forever cherish the memory of my beloved ‘Honion’.”

Sameer Ahmed

“Over the years I have been very lucky to have had the opportunity to work with Haniya in a variety of situations. I first toured and recorded with her when she was part of Zeb and Haniya. You really get an idea of how good a musician is when you play live with them, and I was always amazed at the ease with which she would play guitar and sing so effortlessly.

Years later she asked me to play on one of her solo songs ‘Ayi Re’. I was once again blown away by her talent, not only as a song writer but as a bass player as well. When I heard the reference bass track she sent me, it was so good I didn’t change it at all during the recording process.

The last time I worked with her was on the writing and recording sessions for Jimmy Khan’s album that she was producing. Those sessions were extremely creative, thanks to Haniya’s collaborative spirit that allowed all of us the space and freedom to create. The recordings that came from those sessions are some that I am very proud of.

Haniya Aslam and Raania Durrani
Haniya Aslam and Raania Durrani

I was still waiting for Haniya to call me about the next song she had written and wanted me to play bass on. The fact that I won’t ever get that call is a hard reality to accept.”

Ali Hamza

“Haniya was as pure as you could get. She was true to herself and true to her art. We, as a society may not be very good at appreciating such people - we like “happening” people, people who can quickly engage us (obviously) at a surface level. Because when it goes deeper, we get a bit uncomfortable, don’t we?

The best part about Haniya was that she made us go deeper within and still feel very good about it. Positivity, softness and love were what she brought to the table. In a way we grew up together, amongst close friends (I have known her for over 25 years).

Our connect was pretty natural, and our musical energies matched at many levels. I am lucky to have collaborated with her on some very memorable projects.

‘Ayi Re’ is my favorite gem of hers! On hearing the sad news, I went through our WhatsApp messages - went through the chain when she shared her final draft with me. I listened to the song on repeat for quite some time and then very spontaneously messaged her back: ‘Tu Gayi Waapis Uss Jahan/Milein Ge Phir Wahaan’.”

Rohail Hyatt

“Haniya was the embodiment of kindness and professionalism—always polite, always smiling. She brought a friendly warmth to every interaction during our Coke Studio sessions. I often thought we’d work together again; it felt inevitable. Life, however, had other plans, and this hope will now remain a cherished memory. Her passing is a profound reminder of the fragility of life. Yet, Haniya will continue to live on through the music she shared with us and the impact she had on those who knew her. May she rest in peace, and perhaps one day, we’ll meet again in another realm.”

Natasha Humera Ejaz

“To be completely honest, even while she was alive, I don’t think I could ever construct a full sentence to express how great Haniya Aslam was. The first time I heard her on a mic, my jaw was on the floor, and I daresay 20 years later, it’s still right there. Ever since I was lucky enough to be taken under her wing (no questions asked), I was and always will just be her biggest fan.

There wasn’t a single song of ours that made it to the world before the other had heard it, there wasn’t a single insane idea of mine that she wasn’t fully behind, and there was never a moment of disappointment she let me go through by myself. She was a ball of love and had so much patience inside her. All of Gintaara will always carry the honor that she asked us to collaborate with her on ‘Dunya’. She had so much faith in us. That we got to learn from her and be trusted by her was probably one of the biggest achievements we have as artists.

She was kind, generous, thought of the sweetest things and had a way of making people feel comfortable that remains unparalleled. She really listened and she really shared. I’ll never forget how giddy and excited she would get at every new piece of gear or musical idea. She knew how to keep herself young at heart, and those close to her will know a love like that only once. We are eternally grateful for how lucky we were to receive her and be received by her.

She taught me what a safe and secure friendship can do for people and made sure no one she cared about went through any trouble, right up to the end. I will always have her voice in my head, telling me to do exactly what I want along with an image of her showing me how it’s done. Thank you, Hanz, rest up: we’re going to be out here championing you for as long as we’re alive.”

Mekaal Hasan

“Haniya was someone who was an exceptional human being, both as a very close friend and as a creative individual.

Out of the many people I have met and known, she was just the most dedicated and loving person, always there for her friends, always committed to learning and there was absolutely nothing artificial about her. She was genuine, always immersed in learning, and had no interest in the materialistic aspects of music. To her, knowledge and learning were the goals she aspired to and inspired countless young people with.

Haniya was a pioneer for young women, unique in that she was not only a fantastic artist but also an exceptional songwriter, singer, composer, and a genuine producer. She championed young people and did so with utmost generosity and was always empathetic toward others. In her passing, this country has lost an individual who was a source of inspiration and pride, and I can safely tell you that people like her are just so rare. She was someone who I adored, someone who I saw grow from strength to strength as a musician and producer, and she never lost sight of who she was in all this.

There was no artificiality about her. She was genuinely a lovely person, a loyal and trusted friend, and I have so many memories of the years spent with her. Words fail me, but I hope I can convey some of what she meant to me on a personal level and what her loss means to the country.

She was such a special soul. I will miss her immeasurably.”

Raania Durrani

“There are very few people who make the effort to harness a moment. She said, ‘I don’t sing much anymore, but I’d love to do it here in the mountains for us.’

Haniya came to us all the way to Aliabad last summer; we produced what is now our last show together - our first being a one-woman show for Salt Arts some years ago in the Karachi of cloudy monsoon skies. Last summer, here in our small town, she worked with Gilgit Baltistan musicians and sound vendors to help build capacity and performed her memorable Urdu, Farsi and English acoustic set to a stunned audience.

Today, she stuns us once again as she leaves for another realm; her voice stays and permeates through our mountain home like the smell of summer. She was a musician and producer of excellence in every way. Here are some memories of her day @zahiracottage - she rehearsed in my living room, with my clothesline as her backdrop.

Later that evening, we held an extensive soundcheck at @mountainstoryhunza, and perhaps that was the best part of it, as she sang for just us and the cloud covered mountain sky.

Haniya was a one-woman force. Nothing compares to what it felt like producing shows with a pro like her, who was self-sufficient, extremely talented and very willing to share her knowledge and craft gracefully. What she did for the Hunza music community here during her short visit is unmatched. Perhaps she herself did not realize how much her mentorship meant for our little mountain town of Aliabad.

Thank you, Haniya - glad to have shared a bit of this journey with you.”

Celebrating the legacy of Haniya Aslam