The cast of beloved network series Charmed celebrated its 25th year anniversary with a reunion event in Paris,disclosing hilarious and emotional moments they shared back in the day.
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olly Marie Combs was one of the most prominent actors on network television for eight years, known for the popular show, Charmed. Based on the idea of good witches (and sisters), it ran from 1998 to 2006, a time when an OTT reboot was not an option.
An effort was made to revive Charmed with a new cast lore recently, but didn’t hit the spot and ultimately was canceled.
In some ways, Holly Marie Combs, who played the role of Piper Halliwell pushed the reverse button in the form of a podcast called The House of Halliwell with former co-stars Drew Fuller and Brian Krause. In each episode, Holly, Drew and Brian discussed one episode from the series. The impact of The House of Halliwell podcast has been such that it pulled Charmed out from obscurity and back into the limelight.
As the series celebrated its 25th anniversary, a reunion event was held in Paris. Charmed stars such as Shannen Doherty, Rose McGowan and Holly Marie Combs – the most prominent cast members – as well as Brian Krause, Dorian Gregory and Drew Fuller celebrated the hallmark during a Charmed special panel at Paris Manga & Sci-Fi event.
The audience was just as enchanted as it was 25 years ago, and if rumors are to be believed, other (ticketed) events might follow since the Paris reunion was such a success.
If you are a fan of Charmed from its original days or just someone who has discovered the show now, watching the reunion Paris panel on YouTube is a must.
Drew Fuller was teased by the rest of his Charmed co-stars about having a series tattoo. Rose McGowan interjected and said that he did have a rose tattoo.
In between audience shouts of “love you”, Holly Marie Combs admitted that they never imagined how successful the series would become.
She told the audience: “We can’t. I don’t think we can. We never expected it. It’s very satisfying and gratifying to know that it still lives on in the hearts of people.”
Rose McGowan, who had joined the cast of Charmed after season three (and the departure of Shannen Doherty) reflected on the outpouring of cheers and love. She said: “We are honored to be a part of [your] family…[and part of raising] beautiful children to have magic inside of them and [knowing] that they have superpowers.”
When asked if Shannen Doherty (who essayed the oldest sister Prue Halliwell in the series) would’ve liked to work with Rose McGowan’s character in the series, the actor noted, “Yeah, because, Rose and I have such a unique friendship already and we’ve bonded. It would’ve been an interesting show with our two characters together [at the same time]. I think it would’ve been amazing.”
Answering a question about the possibility of a Charmed film with the original characters together, Holly Marie Combs laughed and said, “Never say never.”
Shannen Doherty added: “We don’t own the show… but I think if you ask the five of us now - Rose and I were just talking about how we’d love to work together - so if it’s up to us, we’ll say yes and do it.”
The absence of Alyssa Milano did stick out like a sore thumb. She was a part of the original series from its pilot episode to the last one. But instead of taking cheap shots at her former co-stars, Milano said in an Instagram post, “This makes me happy for the OG Charmed fans. What a gift!”
Since the Paris event, the Charmed cast has also gone on a tour of sorts visiting different cities for reunion events. Many are willing to pay for tickets to see the stars in person having missed one event or another. In the end, movies often ruin a series so whether it’s a good idea or not remains to be seen but the power of three is very much intact.