The concept of freedom has evolved significantly over the centuries, shaped by philosophical, political and social movements. Eric Fromm’s The...
Dear All,Probably few people in Pakistan today remember one particular fashion craze of the late 1970s: the awami suit, which was worn by both men...
Artists have exposed the illusory nature of security contraptions. Seema Nusrathas expanded on this approach in her work at Unseen Screen, a...
The Indian foreign minister’s visit to Pakistan to participate in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation meetings raises fond hopes
An exercise in magic reality may have a longer lasting impact and existence than mere magic or pure reality.
Artists have frequently chosen to ally with military power and serve its objectives
F rederic Jameson, a distinguished leftist literary critic and theorist born on April 14, 1934, passed away on September 22 at the age of 90. He...
Lahore is planning to introduce a high-speed rail link connecting it to Rawalpindi. But there is a cost to every ambition
The theory of evolution as articulated by Charles Darwin in On the Origin of Species, represents a significant shift in our understanding of...
Dear All, T here has been a storm of criticism of Britain’s new government recently because of revelations of the perks and funding the...