Despite political and economic instability, Pakistan has consistently produced excellent music across various genres. From pop and rock music to...
The annual Cannes Film Festival stands as one of the world's most prestigious film events. Every year, it attracts celebrities, filmmakers, actors...
Sameen Khwaja was the EQUAL Pakistan ambassador for April and is a rising indie artist from Islamabad.
As part of a collaboration between the National Academy of Performing Arts and the Pakistan Japan Cultural Association, Sindh , the Japanese artist...
Tarbooze release their latest song on Karachi’s indie and electronic music label, Cape Monze Records.
Despite audiences holding onto a tinge of hope and filmmakers feeding their faith in the medium, the full potential of Pakistani cinema remains...
Shaan-E-Pakistan Fashion Summit shines a light on music and fashion
The man who produced local bands in Chicago and smaller groups from Nirvana, and PJ Harvey, to the Pixies, and Jimmy Page and Jimmy Plant’s only...
Fahad Mustafa, Kiran Malik, Hania Aamir, Aima Baig, Faris Shafi and Asim Azhar were among the big winners as chosen by the viewers.
In conversation with Shamyale Nasir