“A good laugh can help you relax and de-stress”

March 21,2021

The 6’3” tall actor Furqan Qureshi, who had to gain weight to look healthy, shares his fitness routine

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Actor Furqan Qureshi deems mental health to be the most important part of our wellbeing.

Furqan Qureshi has a number of drama serials to his name including Dreamers, 100 Din Ki Kahani, Wo Mera Dil Tha, Ishq Tamasha, Bharaas and many others. However, his journey in the entertainment industry hasn’t been an easy one, mainly because he was underweight and had to work a lot on his appearance to fit in. It was in 2016 that he became a household name when he brilliantly portrayed the role of a transgender in drama serial Khuda Mera Bhi Hai. Though he garnered positive reviews for his performance, and many consider Khuda Mera Bhi Hai to be his big break, Furqan thinks that his breakthrough project is the record breaking hit drama series Meray Pass Tum Ho. Furqan also featured in Mehreen Jabbar’s web series Ek Jhoothi Love Story.

We caught up with the actor, who is currently appearing in two plays - Raqs e Bismil and Aulaad - to know more about his fitness regime and how he manages to stay in shape despite his hectic routine.

Health matters

According to the actor, he doesn’t think he is a foodie but tries not to eat a lot of junk food. “Though I am not a fitness freak, to be honest, my eating choices are quite healthy. I try to sleep for at least eight hours because I think proper sleep is very important if you want to be healthy both mentally and physically. So I pretty much follow a healthy lifestyle,” shares Furqan.

As far as his fitness goals are concerned, the actor tries doing weight training to keep himself fit. “I take out time to work out in order to maintain my physique,” he adds.

On how he keeps himself motivated for a healthy lifestyle, Furqan says, “It’s simple; once you live a healthy lifestyle, there’s no going back. That itself is motivation to follow a healthy lifestyle. And you will literally feel the change, your body will thank you in different ways if you go the healthy route. Your body deserves this, in fact, you owe it to yourself, your mind and body as well.”

Nutritious diet is the key

Talking about his eating preferences, Furqan reveals, “I try not to eat too much and cut down on carbs at night. If you don’t burn those calories before going to bed and just hit the bed then they turn into fat and a continuous cycle of this can prove to be unhealthy. I make sure to avoid it. As for meals, I have three meals a day and I try avoiding junk food and carbs as much as I can.”

The actor believes that technically there shouldn’t be any one nutrient overpowering others. “Consuming too much of anything is unhealthy. In my opinion all nutrients should be incorporated in our daily diet i.e. proteins, carbs, vitamins etc. I usually have a lot of rice and beans as well so that my diet is balanced,” he says, adding that consuming seasonal fruits is really good for one’s health.

“I love all fruits so you can say that seasonal juices are an important part of my diet.”

Workout routine

When it comes to exercising and staying in shape, the Khuda Mera Bhi Hai actor says that when he is completely free, he works out three to four times a week. “Obviously if you’re shooting till 11 p.m. you get exhausted and then there’s no point of going to the gym. However, when I am not shooting I go to the gym and do a proper workout with weights and all the equipment (dumbbells, rods, the butterfly machine etc.) in the assistance of my personal trainer. I firmly believe that your trainer really motivates you to do your best otherwise you can get lazy,” he informs.

Importance of mental health

Furqan deems mental health to be the most important part of our wellbeing. “Physical and mental health go hand in hand. If you are physically unhealthy then it affects your mental health as well,” he stresses. “For mental health staying peaceful is essential. We should be more grateful for the things we have and focus on stuff that brings happiness -because this is what gives us a positive outlook on life. I feel like our mental health starts to deteriorate when we go after things that aren’t in our control. It is pointless wasting our energy on things that we cannot control.”

He further went on to share a health tip he swears by and that is to laugh often. “A good laugh can help you relax, destress way faster than any other method. Plus I’ve heard it does wonders for your immune system,” he asserts.

Piece of advice

The actor advises his fans and followers to keep trying their best to achieve a healthy lifestyle. “Think about your future, how do you picture yourself in the next ten years? Obviously you’d want to be living a good life so just keep reminding yourself of your future. Make it your mantra to work towards a better lifestyle every day. Having said that, I don’t think you should set a benchmark for yourself, because there is always room for improvement,” he concludes.


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