ISLAMABAD: The government on Friday slashed the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) prices by Rs10.34 per kilogram for domestic and commercial consumers for October 2022, effective from Saturday (today).
The domestic gas cylinder weighing 11.8 kilograms price was reduced by Rs122 and the commercial cylinder (45.4kg) by Rs470 rupees. With the drop in prices, the domestic cylinder will now cost Rs2,374, and the commercial cylinder Rs9,135. After reduction of over ten rupees, a kilogram of LPG will be available at 201 rupees, a notification issued here by the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) stated.
LPG is being used for cooking purposes in areas where piped natural gas is not available. Saudi Aramco has recently also reduced propane and butane prices. Propane and butane are two major components of LPG, which the Middle Eastern oil producers sell to Asian countries.
Meanwhile, LPG Distributors Association of Pakistan Chairman Irfan Khokhar demanded the government to devise an LPG policy and also recommence the operation at Jamshoro Joint Venture. He warned that in coming winter, there would be a severe shortage of natural gas.