Tuesday July 02, 2024

Action urged against those possessing Pakistani passports during Israel visit

By Asim Yasin
May 31, 2022

ISLAMABAD: Chairman Pakistan Ulema Council Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mahmood Ashrafi on Monday said the delegation that visited Israel, was not the representative of the people and state of Pakistan, adding that in this regard, letters are being written to the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Foreign Affairs to take legal action against those possessing Pakistani passport to visit Israel.

“Pakistan has a clear stance on the Palestine issue and no political party can deviate from the stance of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and the stance of the state,” he said, while addressing a press conference flanked by Maulana Noman Hashir, Maulana Tahir Aqeel Awan, Maulana Muhammad Shafi Qasmi, Maulana Muhammad Ashfaq Patafi, Maulana Abu Bakar Hameed Sabri, Sahibzada Hafiz Saqib Munir, Maulana Zulfiqar and others. He said the delegation that visited Israel, did not have official representation of the Pakistan government or civilian entities.

Tahir Ashrafi said the PUC wrote letters to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Interior, asking to take action against those Pakistanis, who visited Israel and did not have passport other than the Pakistani one. “We have learned from the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting that an anchor person of the Pakistan Television also visited Israel and was suspended, the process has been initiated to take legal action against him,” he said. He added that the anchor person said on yesterday that he did not take permission from anyone for visiting Israel.

The PUC chairman said the government and people of Pakistan stood united with Palestinian brothers and it is not possible for Pakistan to deviate from its position on Palestine because our positions are same on Kashmir and Palestine. He said some people have been trying to create soft atmosphere for Israel, saying that if anyone wanted to know the Israelis and Indians atrocities, they should ask the Palestinians and Kashmiris. He said no one was going to recognise Israel, as we are the defenders of this policy and the followers of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

The PUC chairman said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a statement, clarifying Pakistan’s stance on Palestinian issue, saying that we appeal all the political leaders, including PTI Chairman Imran Khan, to take unanimous decision without making it contentious. On the occasion, Tahir Ashrafi said the Pakistan Ulema Council, in collaboration with the International Tazeem-e-Harmain Al-Sharifain Council and Darul Iftaa Pakistan, has issued a code of conduct for intending pilgrims to Saudi Arabia. In the code of conducts, all the respective pilgrims have been appealed not to go against the Saudi law, as they are going to the holy places for worship and during the Haj season.