Tuesday July 02, 2024

No-trust to be taken to its logical end: Shah Mehmood Qureshi

By Mumtaz Alvi
April 07, 2022
Shah Mehmood Qureshi - The News/File
Shah Mehmood Qureshi - The News/File 

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Vice Chairman Shah Mehmood Qureshi said on Wednesday the deputy speaker did not refuse the no-trust motion and it was to be taken to its logical end.

Addressing a press conference, Qureshi said the no-confidence vote was fixed for April 03 and the main reason why the voting process could not come to an end was that when the facts and serious issues, including allegations of foreign interference (threat letter), came before the deputy speaker, he found it was not a trivial matter. 

Qureshi noted the deputy speaker said it was necessary to investigate the facts and that on the basis of information, he would disallow the motion. Qureshi claimed that the no-trust motion was to be taken to its logical end while the deputy speaker disallowed it for want of investigation into the facts presented before him. 

Now the Supreme Court would interpret whether or not the deputy speaker’s ruling was correct. The PTI leader said that the no-trust motion would move forward and if nothing came out of the investigation with reference to the threat letter and foreign interference, whatever the result, it would be before everyone.

Referring to the dissolution of the National Assembly after the rejection of the no-trust motion, he maintained that proceedings are going on in the Supreme Court, arguments are going on. “The opposition is saying that the Constitution has been violated while the PTI realizes the importance of the Constitution. Observance and respect for the Constitution was, is and will be ensured.” Qureshi made it clear that to do something outside the Constitution was neither their strategy, nor it would be.

He contended that presenting a no-confidence is the right of the opposition and added the opposition presented the no-confidence motion and it was processed for voting. Qureshi pointed out that there was no denial of the no-trust motion and it would be acted upon.

The PTI leader then asked was it in accordance with the Constitution to promise award of tickets for change of loyalty and making other offers, buying and selling of conscience. He added in public, the Constitution has been violated, loyalties have been changed. He contended that the ruling was correct or not was a separate matter and it had to be explained by the apex court.However, he emphasized that they had to keep in mind a few things. “The

National Security Committee called for demarche and recommended the demarche and there must be a reason for this and these things are taken into consideration while giving the ruling.”

Qureshi said those leaders, who were raising questions, were invited to the Parliamentary Security Committee but they did not turn up. The speaker, he noted, invited all and the opposition did not come to the meeting. “If they had come, they would have raised questions and would have been satisfied.”

“This is such a sensitive issue that it cannot be ignored. Here diplomats communicate with the people. It should be found out who the diplomats met with. Some meetings were held outside the country, these must be looked into: we also have to see who met abroad and with whom. The deputy speaker did not give his ruling without any reason. These issues have to be taken to the bottom in the interest of national security before the constitutional responsibility,” he said.

The Supreme Court, he contended, could form a judicial commission on the matter (conspiracy and threat letter). He added while all this was going on and the opposition was pushing for an early NA session, Pakistan was preparing for the OIC meeting here and the opposition insisted on dates of its choice, while the National Assembly was spared for the OIC moot.

He said it was being stated that the communication was fake and it was made in the Foreign Office but this was totally incorrect. He told the news conference here that it was not known who was persuading them to give such news which has no truth, insisting the statement and correspondence was based on facts. “It is being said that the ambassador was hastily removed from the US and posted in Brussels. The diplomat is seasoned and has completed his tenure and it was necessary to transfer him and, keeping in view his experience, we transferred him to Brussels,” he explained, brushing aside speculations in this connection. He emphasized that the diplomats in the Foreign Office are professional and well-rounded people and their honesty will not be doubted. He asked the opposition not to undermine the diplomats for no reason.