Tuesday September 17, 2024

Denmark keen to help transform Pakistan’s energy sector

By Syed Anis Ahmad
March 26, 2022

Islamabad : Ambassador of Denmark Lis Rosenholm has expressed a keen interest in the green transition in Pakistan and the exchange of knowledge with Pakistan about renewable energy.

She made these marks in an exclusive talk with ‘The News’ here.

Highly appreciating the 10 Billion Tree Tsunami Initiative under the vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan, the ambassador of Denmark said that Pakistan and Denmark share the ambition to fight climate change and engage in a green transition. Denmark is determined to become a net-zero emission society by 2050, and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 70% by 2030. Denmark’s climate policy aims for a resource efficient society with a renewable based energy supply and significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions from all sectors. These ambitious targets require a transformation in our society and our economy and not least cutting edge knowledge about the green transition. Pakistan has also committed to mitigate the effects of climate change and reduce its carbon emissions by setting national targets and taking steps in the right direction to these by planting billions of trees and expanding renewable energy and focus on sustainable ecotourism.

Lis Rosenholm also pointed out that the embassy has already appointed a senior counsellor as Head of green growth and sustainability to expand the cooperation across public and private sector regarding the green transition in Pakistan, including in renewable energy.

She also mentioned that Pakistan is beautiful and a big country. “People are loving and hospitable and the country has lot of potential for the foreign investors,” she added.

When asked how Denmark achieved the status of leader and green frontrunner in global climate action, and how can it help Pakistan, she said that despite the small size of the country, Denmark is a world leader in green transition and climate change solutions. Denmark stands as a global leader in transforming our energy sector from heavily dependent on fossil fuels some 40 years ago to a high degree of renewable energy in the energy system. A green transition that has also led to growth in the society and jobs. Pakistan’s ambitions and needs within a green transition matches well Danish competencies based on decades of experiences into energy planning, integration of renewables into the energy system, and energy efficiency. This creates a strong basis for collaboration

She said climate change is one of humanity’s ‘biggest crises. “Climate change is one of the defining global challenges faced by our generation. It has far-reaching adverse economic, social and political impacts.

She said, in this regard last year the Government of Denmark entered into collaboration with the Government of Pakistan to exchange knowledge between relevant technical authorities in Denmark and Pakistan within the energy sector and the Danish authorities had to provide technical assistance under the new initiative, ‘Danish Energy Transition Initiative. She also highlighted there are many citizens with Pakistani roots in Denmark. They are, as all citizens in Denmark, valued, and the Danish constitution is based on equality and equity. She was hopeful about the continuation of collaboration inked earlier with achievable goals.

Meanwhile, Nadeem Niwaz, Special Advisor and country manager for the collaboration with Pakistan at the Danish Energy Agency who accompanied mentioned that Federal Minister of Energy, Hammad Azhar inaugurated the collaboration with the Ambassador of Denmark, Lis Rosenholm and several senior officials of both sides.

He said Denmark is helping Pakistan as the Government has adopted an ambitious policy for alternative and renewable energy to transform Pakistan’s energy sector and generate 60% of all energy through clean and renewable sources by 2030.

“Through the initiative, Denmark will contribute to further enhance the technical competencies of Ministry of Energy and Alternative Energy Development Board for energy planning and integration of additional renewable energy. It will also enhance regulatory frameworks to integrate fluctuating renewable energy and promote energy efficiency in Pakistan,” he added.

Under this collaboration, he pointed out that a delegation from Danish Energy Agency and Energinet (Danish TSO) has been organising workshops to Improve capacities of Pakistani energy authorities for energy planning and integration of more renewable energy in the energy mix to support Government policies, and Capacity development of Pakistani energy authorities to enhance regulatory framework to integrate fluctuating renewable energy from wind and solar from technical and market perspective including auction and tendering process.

When asked about the agreement of cooperation between Denmark and Pakistan for cooperation in renewable energy and sustainable energy signed in July 2021, he said the cooperation continues in 2022 and., the high level delegation from Denmark had fruitful dialogues with key stakeholders in the Pakistani energy sector during the last week.