Saturday March 22, 2025


March 14, 2022

Whenever one switches on television these days, one sees politicians from the ruling party and the opposition using abusive language against each other. The opposition seems confident that it will oust the prime minister in the upcoming vote count of the no-confidence motion, while the PTI and its allies seem equally certain that the move will be defeated. Only time can tell what will happen in the assembly.

It is, however, quite disturbing to watch the behaviour of politicians, including the prime minister. While name-calling is common, one does not expect the country’s head to indulge in such a diatribe. He should be over and above personal attacks against anyone. In all democratic societies, parliament is the only forum to sort out issues of national importance. People expect maturity from their elected representatives – not that they will make laughing stocks of themselves.

Cdre (r) Sajjad Ali Shah Bokhari
