Sunday September 29, 2024

PECA pains

February 24, 2022

This refers to the editorial ‘Criminalising dissent’ (February 22). It strongly opposes the amendments made in the Prevention of Electronic Crimes (Amendment) Act (PECA). Looking at the state of affairs, it seems as though PECA has already been implemented. While it is true that social media has been misused at certain points in time, one cannot say that the rules promulgated by PECA are in any way fair.

The first question that arises is: who gets to decide what news is ‘fake’? Moreover, the term ‘defamation of a person’ has been given a new definition. It now includes government bodies, which already enjoy unbridled power. By the look of things, the amendment primarily aims to curtail criticism against the state. Also, making these ‘offences’ non-bailable is against natural justice. Any amendment that denies people their fundamental rights should be struck down by the courts. At a time when there is political turmoil in the country and the opposition is planning to bring a no-confidence motion against the government, the ordinance seems ill-advised.

Mukhtar Ahmed
