Wednesday September 18, 2024

Just as important

February 21, 2022

This refers to the news report ‘Religious minister asks PM to ban ‘Aurat March’’ (February 18). The minister has demanded that the Aurat March, which is going to be held on International Women’s Day (March 8), be banned and that the day be celebrated as ‘International Hijab Day’ to draw attention towards the discrimination faced by Muslim women in India. The Aurat March is intended to highlight the problems faced by women in Pakistan. It is surprising that the minister is more concerned about the problems of Indian women than he is about those faced by women in his country.

‘Hijab day’ should ideally be celebrated on the date when Indian Muslim student Muskan protested the ban. Also, if the minister thinks that the Aurat March spreads indecency or anti-religious sentiments, he is absolutely wrong. Marchers ask for their rights to have protection against domestic violence, harassment and forced marriages, and an equal share in inheritance or for equal opportunities in education, all of which are within the law.

Sayed GB Shah Bokhari
