Tuesday July 02, 2024

CM urges world to break silence on Kashmir

February 06, 2022

LAHORE: Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar on Saturday regretted that the Indian government had written a new history of barbarity and savagery by committing unbearable brutalities in occupied Jammu & Kashmir.

In his message issued on Kashmir Solidarity Day here, CM said that the Indian government was involved in the extrajudicial killing of innocent Kashmiris. Innocent Kashmiri youth were being brutally murdered on daily basis. Usman Buzdar said that there was no justification for the international community to remain silent on Indian atrocities and terrorism. He said that the nefarious designs of India to change the Muslim majority into a minority through genocide would be foiled.

The night of tyranny of Modi Sarkar was about to end soon adding that the independence of Indian Illegally-Occupied Jammu and Kashmir was not far away.

He said that no one could isolate Kashmir from Pakistan as both were conjoined twins and the whole Pakistani nation was standing beside the oppressed Kashmiris. He said that India must understand that the legitimate struggle of Kashmiris for their right to self-determination.

Meanwhile, Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar has directed the concerned authorities to complete all ongoing health development projects of public welfare within the stipulated time frame.

According to official sources here, CM directed to ensure timely completion of health projects in DG Khan and other backward areas of the province.

Usman Buzdar said that he was personally monitoring the development projects of public welfare.

He said that Nishtar Hospital II in Multan would soon be opened for the public.

Similarly, a state-of-the-art Mother and Child hospital was being established in DG Khan which would cost of Rs 3.8 billion. Tehsil headquarters Hospital Barthi had been upgraded to 60 beds.

Barthi DHQ Hospital would provide healthcare facilities to the people of Balochistan as well, he added.

Taunsa Tehsil Headquarters Hospital had also been upgraded to 190 beds.

Usman Buzdar said that the people of three provinces would be benefited from the Sardar Fateh Muhammad Buzdar Institute of Cardiology.

The 200-bed Cardiology Institute would cost Rs 2 billion, he added.

He further stated that the first phase of the 100-bed of Cardiology Institute would be made functional in a few months.

With the functioning of DG Khan Cardiology Institute, the pressure would be reduced in Multan and Lahore cardiology institutes.

Meanwhile, Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar said on Saturday that in past national resources were ruthlessly wasted in the name of self-exhibitory projects but the incumbent government had totally eradicated such false tradition.

According to official sources here, CM said that present government was utilizing public money for the welfare of people.

Politics was not meant for looting, plundering and corruption but to serve the people, he added.

He said that in the past politics was used to increase the bank balance adding that the menace of corruption halted country’s development.

The present government under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan had curbed the political culture of looting and plundering.

Indiscriminate action had been taken against the influential ‘Qabza’ Mafia in Punjab and valuable state land worth billions of rupees had got vacated.

Meanwhile, Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar on Saturday announced to set up modern forensic lab for South Punjab and the lab would be constructed in Dera Ghazi Khan.

According to official sources here, the CM said that the lab would help in providing assistance to police, prosecution and judiciary, he added.

He said that services of Punjab Forensic Science Agency had not only been acknowledged nationally but internationally as well.

Usman Buzdar said that professional staff and latest equipment in Punjab Forensic Science Agency provided unobjectionable facts.

All possible resources would be provided for early completion of the construction work of the building of Punjab, Food Drug and Agriculture Authority, he maintained.

He said that staff of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan and Sindh would be provided training in Forensic Science Training Lab.

He said that Punjab Forensic Science Agency had showed high performance through tracing all high profile cases.

He said, "Centre of Forensic Sciences Training Lab is a matter of pride for the whole country.

"He further said that latest forensic sciences training lab in the provincial capital had been made functional and it had been set up at a cost of Rs 1.90 billion.