Monday September 16, 2024

Oslo talks to transform atmosphere of war into peace: Taliban

January 23, 2022
Oslo talks to transform atmosphere of war into peace: Taliban

KABUL: The Taliban’s first official talks with the West on the European soil since seizing power in Afghanistan will help “transform the atmosphere of war into a peaceful situation” after a two-decade insurgencyagainst the NATO forces, the group’s top spokesman said on Saturday.

The hardline Islamists stormed back to power in August as the US and foreign troops began their final withdrawal from the country following a stalemate on the battlefield.

No country has yet recognised the Taliban’s government -- notorious for human rights abuses during a first stint in power between 1996 and 2001, when they were ousted by the US-led invasion.

“The Islamic Emirate has taken steps for meeting the demands of the Western world and we hope to strengthen our relations through diplomacy with all the countries, including the European countries and the West in general,” Zabihullah Mujahid said, adding the Taliban want to “transform the atmosphere of war into a peaceful situation”.

Talks between the Taliban and Western officials will start in Oslo on Sunday on the human rights and humanitarian aid as a poverty crisis deepens.

The humanitarian situation in Afghanistan has deteriorated drastically since the Taliban’s takeover. International aid came to a sudden halt and the United States has frozen $9.5 billion (8.4 billion euros) in the Afghan central bank assets held overseas.

Hunger now threatens 23 million Afghans, 55 percent of the population, according to the United Nations, which said it needs $5 billion from the donor countries this year to address the humanitarian crisis in the country.

The visit from Sunday to Tuesday will see meetings between the hardline Islamists, Norwegian authorities and officials from a number of allied countries, including Britain, the European Union, France, Germany, Italy and the United States, the Norwegian foreign ministry said in a statement.

The Taliban delegation is also expected to meet Afghans from civil society, including women leaders and journalists, at a time when the freedoms of those living in Afghanistan are being increasingly curtailed.

“These meetings do not represent a legitimisation or recognition of the Taliban,” Norwegian Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt said on Friday, adding: “But we must talk to the de facto authorities in the country. We cannot allow the political situation to lead to an even worse humanitarian disaster.”

The 15-member all-male Taliban team, led by Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi, left Kabul on Saturday on a plane organised by the Norwegian government, the Taliban spokesman said.

Ali Maisam Nazary, the foreign relations chief for the National Resistance Front (NRF) -- an opposition group that bills itself as the last bastion against total Taliban control -- condemned Norway over the talks.

“We all must raise our voices and prevent any country from normalising a terrorist group as the representative of Afghanistan,” Nazary, who is based in Paris, tweeted on Friday.