Monday September 16, 2024

Mehran or Changez: Fight for Marri tribe’s leader continues

LONDON: Prominent leaders, notables and tribal elders of Balochistan’s Marri tribe have named Mehran

By Murtaza Ali Shah
July 02, 2014
LONDON: Prominent leaders, notables and tribal elders of Balochistan’s Marri tribe have named Mehran Marri as the new chief of their tribe following the death of Nawab Khair Baksh Marri earlier this month in Karachi. Mehran Marri is the youngest son of late Nawab Marri and is Balochistan’s unofficial representative at the UN Human Rights Council and a lifelong campaigner for Baloch rights. He has been living in exile for most of his life and works out of London, Geneva and Dubai.
In a statement received by The News, the notables and elders of the Marri tribe said the government of Pakistan took advantage of the vacuum created by the death of Nawab Khair Baksh Marri and without consent or consultation with the family or the tribal elders, had arbitrarily appointed Mehran Marri’s eldest brother Changez Marri as the new chief.
The statement, that was signed by close aides of Nawab Marri who had remained with him throughout his lifelong struggle, accused the PML-N linked Changez as a politician who may enjoy state patronage, but not the trust of the Marris who are considered one of the most influential Baloch tribes.
Marri elders said that Nawab Khair Baksh Marri had in his lifetime nominated Mehran, his youngest of five sons, as the heir to the title of the Chief of the Marri tribe and therefore “they will follow the guidance and instruction of the late Nawab Marri in letter and spirit and announce that Mehran Marri will be the next tribal chief of the Marris”.
It’s understood that Mehran has the support of his mother as well as his brothers Gazain Marri and Hunza Marri. Nawab Khair Bux Marri’s widow has already spoken against Changez Marri’s appointment by the government.
The statement by the Marri elders said that according to Marri tradition, no action on succession is taken until after 40 days of mourning are observed after the death of the tribal Nawab. They said the Pakistan government decision “was in clear violation of the tribal rules that the state agencies handpicked Changez as their favourite man to head the Marri tribe and then conducted a show for media. This purpose to impose Changez on us is unacceptable and is yet another conspiracy against the Baloch people”.
The decision to make Mehran the Marri chief was also taken in the context of his elder brother Hyrbyair Marri’s announcement that he was against the tribal system and his calling for its abolition, the statement said. Its understood those in the Marri tribe who spoke against the tribal system were aware that Nawab Khair Baksh Marri had in his own lifetime decided to make Mehran his political and tribal heir.
“The infighting has not been helpful to the Marris as well as to the Baloch struggle for rights, but these differences have come into open and it is clear that the Marri tribe will be headed by Mehran who enjoys the overwhelming support of the Marris because they are aware the late Baloch leader had made his intentions known to all during his lifetime,” said the signatories to the statement.
However, they acknowledged that the Pakistan government will continue to endorse Changez as the official chief while some others will back Hyrbyair Marri who has opposed the tribal system altogether.
The Marri elders said that “speaking against the tribal traditions at this stage is counter-productive and will not be helpful for anyone, therefore it is necessary to follow the centuries old traditions and maintain unity amongst our ranks for greater objectives”.
They said that Baloch nations needs a leader who could take forward the mission of Nawab Marri and that “Mehran Marri has the experience and the calibre to take forward the mission of Balochistan’s Nelson Mandela who had devoted his entire life for and independent and free Balochistan for all the Baloch people”.Mehran Marri confirmed to The News about his appointment and vowed that he will devote his life to carry forward the mission of his father, Nawab Khair Bux Marri.