Wednesday March 26, 2025

Speaker bars Mandokhel from today’s NA session

By Asim Yasin
November 19, 2021

ISLAMABAD: National Assembly Speaker Asad Qaisar has barred PPP MNA Qadir Khan Mandokhel from attending the National Assembly today (Friday) for violating the rules and adopting non-parliamentary attitude in the joint session of the parliament.

According to the National Assembly Secretariat, the ban on entry from attending the assembly session was made under Rule 30 of Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in National Assembly 2007, read with Rule 33 of the Parliament (joint sittings) Rules 1973.

It is to be mentioned here that during the joint sitting of the parliament, bitter words were exchanged between Speaker Asad Qaiser and PPP MNA Abdul Qadir Mandokhel. The National Assembly Secretariat has written a letter to Mandokhel, informing him that he has been barred from entry into the National Assembly on Friday

In the letter issued by the National Assembly Secretariat to Mandokhel, it was stated that the National Assembly speaker is of the view that Mandokhel disregarded his authority and obstructed of the joint sitting of the parliament. “By your act, you have interrupted the business of the joint sitting and ridiculed the chair,” the letter stated. In view of your grossly disorderly conduct, the speaker has ordered your withdrawal from the National Assembly sitting to be held on Friday.”