Thursday March 27, 2025

Jang Economic Session: Call to check gas theft to resolve crisis in winter

By Our Correspondent
November 06, 2021

LAHORE:The natural gas demand increases by 300 percent in winter due to various factors which grows the difficulties of the government and consumers.

There was a time when Pakistan was self-sufficient in gas production but now with time gas consumption and demand have increased. The gas provider has solved the problem of gas theft to a large extent. However, for the loss of gas, everyone at every level has to think about it.

These views were expressed by the discussants in Jang Economic Session on “Domestic and industrial consumers’ concern on gas shortage in winter.” The panellists were Lala Rukh, Syed Jawad Nasim, Qaisra Sheikh, Mian Muhammad Yousaf and Aftab Gull while the event was moderated by Sikandar Lodhi.

Lala Rukh said the ongoing economic and social crises, increase in inflation, price hike in electricity and gas tariffs and other economic problems were putting pressure on the people from all walks of life. She suggested adopting time management in every field from domestic life to individual level which could be of great help for the people in solving various problems and mental anxieties. She said that the government should run counselling campaigns for better solution to the economic and social problems of the people.

Syed Jawad Nasim said the demand for gas increased by 300 percent in winter which made the locally produced gas insufficient for the country's needs and it relied on imported LNG to meet the remaining shortfall. He said at present 1200mmcf gas was dependent on LNG while domestic gas reserves were declining and consumers were increasing tremendously. Every year almost 800,000 new applications were adding to the pending 3.6 million new connection applications. He said the gas prices were not increased significantly during the last five years to six years while majority of consumers were being supplied gas at old rates. He said the consumers were being supplied cheaper gas than its cost. Globally, gas prices have risen to six fold in recent times. He said the SNGPL launched an awareness campaign every year to discourage gas theft and prevent its misuse. It is responsibility of every Pakistani to protect the national resources, he added.

Qaisra Sheikh said the gas crisis in winter was not new while the issue had never been a priority of successive governments while every segment of society was severely affected by it. She believed gas theft was the real reason for intensity in gas crisis and said it could be solved with better management. She asked the government to redefine the priorities for solving the public problems. Mian Muhammad Yousaf said increase in gas demand due to severe cold in December and January was a natural process which intensified gas crisis. He asked the government to control gas theft and prevent it from being wasted. He said the public was already worried about inflation and heavy bills while gas crisis would further increase the people's problems; therefore, the government should provide subsidies on gas and other energy sources for the people along with the relief package. He said the government should ensure provision of cheap goods to the people.

Aftab Gull said unannounced gas load-shedding was the biggest issue for Nan Bais. Gas is not available in many areas and Nan Bais despite using coal, wood or alternative sources were burdened with ridiculously heavy bills. He said inflation had made it difficult to buy food items. The increase in price of 20kg flour bag had created issues for the people. He asked the government to give emergency relief to the people and ensure smooth supply of gas to the people as gas load-shedding in any case added to the woes of public.