Jinnah was clear that all citizens were equal before the law and entitled to basic fundamental rights, irrespective of their faith, sex, ethnicity and creed. Unfortunately, after Quaid-e-Azam’s death, democracy was derailed and the policy of divide and rule was adopted by dictators to prevent any united struggle to restore Jinnah’s vision. Extremism and political intolerance were patronised and state sovereignty compromised to fight proxy wars. The established principle that the state alone must have monopoly over use of force through disciplined uniformed forces was compromised and private militias allowed to be formed.
In November 2020, the TLP took to the streets and against all international norms, an unconstitutional and illegal agreement was signed by federal minsters on sensitive matters involving France. For the past two weeks, the TLP has gone berserk again, its activists have resorted to using force and blocking highways. In April 2021, it was banned, while its political wing remains enlisted with the ECP. It is high time that the TLP and any other group that uses force and violence against citizens be curtailed and their activities checked by the state.
Malik Tariq
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