Tuesday September 17, 2024

World starts recognising Pakistan’s green initiatives to tackle climate change

By Our Correspondent
October 10, 2021

Islamabad The international community has started realising that Pakistan has been facing ‘climate injustice’ for last many decades but still it is leading the world through nature based solutions to thwart negative impacts of the climate change.

According to the details, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) approached Pakistan for hosting the UN Environment Day 2021 in recognition of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s speech during the highly ambitious coalition of Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) and United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

The UN agency also offered the honour of considering Pakistan’s global recognition as international leader in nature-based solutions and eco-system restoration initiatives like Ten Billion Tree Tsunami Programme and Protected Areas Initiative.

It also pointed out that “We are at a point in history where we need to act and Pakistan is leading on this important effort.”

Now the World Bank in its report acknowledged that Pakistan is leading the climate action, demonstrated by the fact that massive 44 per cent of Pakistan's development funding is now climate compatible.

Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Climate Change Malik Amin Aslam has said “It is really encouraging to see that the world is recognising our efforts to mitigate the adverse effects of the climate change through nature based solutions.”

He said “The world is facing a triple crisis in terms of coronavirus pandemic, climate action and debt-crisis and we have come up with a proposal that nature based solutions can only address all these issues.”

“The World Bank (WB) in its report came up with really good numbers in a comparison done of countries that are shifting their mainstream development towards environment friendly policies and Pakistan came atop among them,” he said.