Tuesday September 17, 2024

UK, European MPs commend AJK ex-president’s services

By Syed Abbas Gardezi
August 30, 2021

MUZAFFARABAD: The Members of the UK and European parliaments have commended the efforts of former AJK president Sardar Masood Khan for highlighting the issue of Jammu and Kashmir globally and establishing a close association with leaders and parliamentarians around the world.

UK’s Shadow Home Minister Jess Phillips, Afzal Khan, Shadow Deputy Leader of the House of Commons, UK, Andrew Gwynne Chair Labour Friends of Kashmir, James Daly Chair Conservative Friends of Kashmir, and Phil Bennion, former member of the European Parliament in their separate video messages, said that former president Sardar Masood Khan had regularly attended events in the British and European parliaments during his five-year tenure and not only effectively highlighted Kashmir issue but also remained in touch with MPs, media and civil society.

Afzal Khan, in his message, said that ex-president Sardar Masood did excellent work for the Kashmir cause during his tenure as President of Azad Jammu and Kashmir. “He (Masood Khan) was the right person at the right time for the right job. President Khan, he said, worked with the members of the European and UK parliaments in furthering the cause of Kashmiris struggle for their right to self-determination.” He is the person with tremendous knowledge and experience of diplomatic work around the world, he added.

Ms Rebecca Long-Bailey, serving as a Member of Parliament (MP) for Salford and Eccles, UK, in a message, praised Sardar Masood Khan as a humble man who tirelessly worked to promote human rights of Kashmiri people and peace in the region.

Kate Hollern, UK Labour Member of Parliament from Blackburn, UK, said Sardar Masood Khan was a truly honourable gentleman who had worked hard for the human rights of the Kashmiri people. He has brought Kashmiris’ voices to the UK Parliament and gave us an understanding of the difficulties that the Kashmiri people have been facing for many decades due to the unresolved issue of Kashmir.

In her message, Jess Philips, Shadow Home Minister, UK said Sardar Masood Khan has worked with us in UK Parliament on many occasions to raise the voice against the plights of his people and tried to make sure that their voices have not been missed. “He has been a huge influence over UK politics and I have the honour to work with him and others working in the community alongside him”, she said.

Due to Masood Khan's persistent efforts to seek justice for the people of Jammu and Kashmir, Kashmir-friendly British and European MPs and MEPs also raised their voices against Indian atrocities in Kashmir and most of them are those who have never discussed the Kashmir issue in the past.

UK and European Members of the parliaments further said that the government of Pakistan should assign an important responsibility to Sardar Masood Khan in the future to make full use of his experience and influence as a politician and diplomat to maintain continuity for the campaign to highlight the struggle of Kashmiri people at globally.