society. But in 1971, New Delhi revealed through action that its policy toward Pakistan is based on seizing any opportunity to end the Pakistani state and devastate the Pakistani society.
India has made it clear through action that it does not see its conflict with Pakistan limited to Kashmir. India’s conflict is larger than this single dispute. A lobby within the Indian ruling elite has viewed Pakistan with reservations from the start, believing in and promoting the notion that Pakistan was created on a territory stolen from India. This is an Indian religious myth that is not backed by any historical fact but it persists.
In recent years India has seen a mushrooming of the number of extremist religious groups that promote this view of how India sees its smaller western neighbour. India has failed to reciprocate unprecedented Pakistani policy concessions since 2004, and has unsuccessfully tried to scuttle Pakistani efforts to get preferential trade concessions from the European Union. Bilateral trade relations remain hostage to Indian desire to get Pakistani concessions without removing indirect taxes and obstacles to Pakistani products reaching the Indian market.
India owes its smaller western neighbour an apology for the unprovoked invasion of our eastern wing in 1971. New Delhi needs to rein in anti-Pakistan hatemongering that is repeatedly evident in Indian elections, and it should sincerely meet Pakistan halfway in resolving outstanding border and water disputes.
Without these actions, there is little chance that any effort by a Pakistani government to grant India undue trade and strategic concessions under foreign pressure would ever succeed.
Peace between Pakistan and India should be a matter of dispute resolution and not arm-twisting and blackmail exploiting Islamabad’s current economic and security problems. This won’t last, and nor would the ad hoc arrangements that ignore the real issues.
Email: aq@projectpakistan21. org
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