match, not made in heaven but brokered in secret meetings in Dubai, London and Washington.
Sadly, our armed forces were dragged into this dirty deal. Instead of blocking the worst case of foreign meddling in Pakistani politics, our military was turned into a protector and guarantor of those who have just walked away with billions in suitcases. But, please, no one say this publicly. We have to protect democracy.
Most of the stolen money is already out of the country. What’s left is being used to rig the coming election.No fake-degree holders, and dual-passport holders, who lied under oath, have been arrested. Voter fraud in Karachi stands intact, the perpetrators are untouchable, and the Election Commission’s rules have been tossed aside by all major parties.
Our parties and the political elite haven’t changed faces since the 1985 election. It’s a rotten basket now. And the disease will only spread with more elections, not lessen. Watch the steady growth in the militant wings of our parties.
In short, our judiciary and the military are brushing what appears to be the biggest internal threat facing our stability, our democracy and the future of our children under the carpet. The judiciary and the military know they have to bite the bullet eventually, but they are happy postponing it.
Does this mean we need a military takeover? Not by a long stretch. But we do need a smart judicial-military intervention to bring a clean non-political civilian government to power for a substantial period of time to conduct ruthless accountability, seize corruption money in foreign banks, and normalise Pakistan. We need to cut political parties to size, liberate our politics from dynasties, and end foreign meddling and political engineering.
And that means one thing: Break the secret 2007 deal, Chief. Please.
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