silent spectator while a few American hatemongers hijack Washington’s relations with the Muslim world.
Secretary Clinton is right when she says her government is restrained by American laws that allow criticism of religions. But that is not the whole truth. American law, for example, does not outlaw Holocaust deniers.
But US authorities found other legal ways over the years – short of a constitutional amendment – to contain and limit the actions of hatemongers advocating anti-Semitism or denying the Holocaust. Washington was late – too late – but it finally did the right thing by bringing in the producer of the despicable film for questioning.
The said producer had misled his film’s cast into making a hate film and is also wanted for financial fraud in separate cases. There are many legal ways to contain such hatemongers.
The self-styled American hate preacher Pastor Terry Jones sparked riots in Afghanistan last year after his Quran-burning stunt. That anger lingered on until early this year when similar riots erupted against US soldiers and pushed even American-trained Afghan soldiers to kill their allies.
That same lingering anger has now led to a major foreign policy debacle for the United States in a crucial part of the world. This has happened because anti-Islam hate acts originating in the US are no longer isolated incidents but an organised campaign that cannot be ignored.
We should also probe the timing of this latest incident. Al-Qaeda is not the only beneficiary of these spontaneous and heartfelt Muslim protests. The US military and the CIA have huge stakes overseas and this controversy helps both argue in favour of continued American involvement in failed wars, and increased budgetary allocations. There is precedent for US military teaching anti-Islam material to soldiers and whipping up anti-Islam hate.
Last year, the US defeated a Pakistan-led OIC initiative at UN Human Rights Council to ban defamation of religions. In private meetings, American diplomats promised their Pakistani counterparts that the US government would take steps to control anti-Islam hatred.
Washington could have spared itself this mess had it done so. But it is not late. Don’t let your hatemongers – and not just ours – hijack your country and ours into a permanent conflict.
I believe that those who adopt attitude of forgiveness, mercy and tolerance are role models for all of humanity
First major point of contention between Brussels and Washington is the unequal distribution of defence expenditure
Question we must ask ourselves is: are we willing to redefine convenience for sake of sustainability?
Pakistan’s response was acknowledged by Indian External Affairs Ministry on April 5
According to Pakistan Institute for Conflict and Security Studies , 79 terrorist attacks were recorded in February alone
Since becoming nuclear power in 1998, Pakistan has adhered to a doctrine of credible minimum deterrence