LAHORE: Jamaat-e-Islami leadership has reaffirmed Afghan Taliban of fully backing their freedom struggle against US-led Nato forces’ invasion under the garb of 9-11 attacks, and would continue to support their struggle for liberating their country from all kinds of foreign influence and intervention.
The JI leaders assured of cooperation to Taliban leadership in running the affairs of the state and maintaining peace, during a meeting with a delegation of Taliban leadership’s representatives in Lahore who visited Mansoora to extend gratitude to JI’s principled and unwavering support to the Afghan freedom fighters against the invasion of massive armies of 50 countries led by the US over the last two decades, sources said.
Taliban delegation comprised Maulvi Sanaul Haq, Maulvi Ismatullah Asim, Maulana Talib Jan Zaki and others. JI Naib Ameer Liaquat Baloch, Dr Fareed Paracha, secretary general Amirul Azeem, Syed Waqas Jafari, Azhar Iqbal Hassan and Samiul Haq Sherpao congratulated them on their great victory by throwing out the combined armies of the so-called Western civilized countries.
Taliban representatives said they highly valued JI’s moral and political support during the entire freedom struggle of 20 years. They mentioned the demands of withdrawal of foreign forces repeatedly made by JI heads including late Qazi Hussain Ahmad, late Syed Munawwar Hasan and now Sirajul Haq. They also noted the political movements like “Go America Go” campaigns and other agitations and protests at various platforms with unwavering commitment all through the foreign invasion. They said they look forward to JI cooperation in rebuilding Afghanistan and running the affairs of state especially in the social sectors and humanitarian help. JI leaders said entire Islamic world is prostrating before the Allah Almighty on the victory of the brave Afghan people after unmatched sacrifices in entire human history and the defeat of the colonial, arrogant, anti-Islamic forces. Muslim Ummah, they said, considers the victory as its own success. They said after assuming power, Taliban’s another trial has begun. They expressed satisfaction that so far, the Taliban have settled all the issues amicably including establishing the much needed peace by declaring amnesty, recalling government employees on work and inviting investments, technology and trade in the country to revive the economy. JI leadership said peace, stability and development of Afghanistan was the first priority, and the party was ready to cooperate in the fields of education, health, orphan care and humanitarian services.
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