Monday October 21, 2024

General Ziaul Haq: defender and liberator of Afghanistan

By Muhammad Ijaz Ul Haq
August 17, 2021

Afghanistan is our Muslim neighbour and any development taking place there will definitely impact us. In December 1979, the Russian aggression in Afghanistan had brought serious implications for our safety security and sovereignty. After 1971, in actual fact prior to 1971, Russia and India came very close to each other and signed Defence & Friendship treaties.

USA feared a complete Indian inclination and inclusion into the Russian bloc. When in July 1977 General Ziaul Haq assumed power as Chief Martial Law Administrator, relations between USA and Pakistan were at their lowest ebb. In such a situation Russian aggression had multifaceted dangers for Pakistan. Had Russia succeeded in stabilising its position in Kabul, annexing Pakistan would have been just a matter of time, because separatist movements in KP and Balochistan had raised their head with Indian connivance.

Pakistan would be just a stepping stone to the warm waters of Arabian Gulf. General Ziaul Haq willingly took upon himself to house and feed 35 million Afghan refugees, and provided moral, monetary, military and diplomatic support to Afghan freedom fighters. He did all this in such a skillful way that it drew world attention and applause. History cannot produce such an example of courage, steadfastness and selfless service to humanity and world peace.

World will not forget the role of General Ziaul Haq and his military commanders in Afghanistan’s struggle for independence. His role, strategy, political acumen and vision, skillful military planning and execution will be remembered for long.

As a military commander, sane statesman, strategist and humanist ruler has left indelible marks on the world canvas. He stood side by side with the Mujahidin against a super power in a steadfast manner. He did all this when Pakistan was itself facing financial and political instability and regional threats.

The country was still far away from the nuclear umbrella. It will be only fair to give due credit to the one man army under and consisting of General Zia alone. Restoring Afghanistan to its sovereign status was a feat of the times which provided impetus to anti-communist movements and tendencies in East Europe including demolition of the Berlin Wall.

As a result 23 countries in Central Asia and East Europe got their independence. 33 years ago, General Zia and his close aides including General Akhtar Abdul Rehman, who were the architect of Pakistan’s Afghan policy were eliminated through a criminal conspiracy and planned act of terrorism and sabotage.

General Zia was a staunch and devout Muslim military commander and ruler of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. He had assumed power after massive unrest in the country during Z.A. Bhutto government. The masses welcomed the military takeover.

After aggression of Red Army in Afghanistan, the Government of Pakistan decided to support resolutely the Afghan brethren to regain their independence and sovereignty. Afghanistan has the tradition and history of being graveyard of foreign invading Armies. ISI was asked to handle the gigantic task of managing the thousands miles war theatre in Afghanistan and funnel to the freedom fighters bread and bullets. The Afghan Policy devised by General Zia skillfully and effectively kept the Americans at bay. This brought him to the global lime light and endeared him to the World and Arab leaders. He, in his own right, became the hero and leader of Muslim World. He was unanimously nominated by the OIC to address UN General Assembly as Representative of the Muslim world. Taking advantage of the prevalent strategic situation and favourable conditions, Pakistan’s president made slow, silent and secret moves to advance its nuclear policy. By 1984 Pakistan had achieved threshold which it wanted to. It was Zia’s biggest achievement which squarely and personally belongs to him. The rest are only custodians and keepers of the button.

Apart from many in the West, every Muslim, every Pakistani, every Afghan, owes to and owns General Zia. Every inch and every trench in Afghanistan was decorated with his pictures. After the Geneva Accord, a journalist asked General Zia as to what does he have in mind when the Russian withdrawal is in sight? He replied “I wish to offer nawafil-e-shukarana in the Jamia Majid of Pul-e-Charkhi”. Alas! the destiny did not allow him this.

In 1992 when the Islamic government in Kabul stabilised, I went to Pul-e-Charkhi Jamia Majid and offered nawafal there on his behalf. A grief stricken and emotionally charged crowd of men, women and children gathered there. With tears rolling down their cheeks they were all praying for the “Maghfarit” of their beloved hero. What caused these tears? These were of loss, love, affection, grief, sorrow, gratitude, thankfulness - personal, individual, collective, national? - All difficult to distinguish, differentiate, define and describe!! Mr Wilson, an American spokesperson counts General Ziaul Haq among national heroes and great personalities of the world. He says “Zia was the bravest man who ever breathed. He resisted enormous Soviet pressure to abandon the freedom fighters. He went eyeball to eyeball with the Russian Bear, and the bear blinked. At times he had to buck up American confidence”. CIA’s analyst Bruce Riedel writes, “Afghanistan war was not Mujahidin’s war, nor the CIA’s war. It was not Charlie Wilson’s war. It was war of only one man – and name of that man was General Ziaul Haq. He further writes, West and particularly USA should fear the day when by chance or accidently, Pakistan Army has on its rolls a General like or similar to General Zia”. He had numerous virtues of character and the character traits as well as the qualities of head and heart. His biggest virtue was his faith in the Almighty Allah. He was gifted with a big heart and plenty of patience. Many betrayed his confidence but he kept all his pains to himself and never complained to anyone about anyone.

The writer is the president of PML (Z)